Скачать книгу - Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine, in 1824, 1825, 1826, and 1827. Vol. 2

Полный вариант заголовка: «Travels in Turkey, Egypt, Nubia, and Palestine, in 1824, 1826, and 1827 : Vol. 2 : in 2 volumes / by R.R. Madden».

Travels in Greece Travels in Greece

Автор: Richard Chandler

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Travels in Greece : an account of a tour made at the expense of the Soc. of dilettanti / by Richard Chandler».

Travels in Western Africa Travels in Western Africa

Автор: William Gray

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Travels in Western Africa : in the years 1818, 19, 20, and 21, from the river Gambia, through Woolli, Bondoo, Galam, Kasson, Kaarta, and Foolidoo, to the river Niger : with a map, drawings, and costumes, illustrative of those countries / by major William Gray, and the late staff surgeon Dochard».

An account of travels into the interior of Southern Africa, in the years 1797 and 1798 An account of travels into the interior of Southern Africa, in the years 1797 and 1798

Автор: John Barrow

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «An account of travels into the interior of Southern Africa, in the years 1797 and 1798 : including cursory observations on the geology and geography of the southern part of that continent, the natural history of such objects as occurred in the animal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms, and sketches of the physical and moral characters of the various tribes of inhabitants surrounding the settlement of the Cape of Good Hope. To which is annexed, a description of the present state, population, and produce of that extensive colony / by John Barrow».

Narrative of a journey from Calcutta to Europe, by way of Egypt Narrative of a journey from Calcutta to Europe, by way of Egypt

Автор: Charles Lushington

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Narrative of a journey from Calcutta to Europe, by way of Egypt, in the years 1827 and 1828 / by Mrs. Charles Lushington».

Travels and adventures in the Persian provinces on the southern banks of the Caspian Sea Travels and adventures in the Persian provinces on the southern banks of the Caspian Sea

Автор: James Baillie Fraser

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «Travels and adventures in the Persian provinces on the southern banks of the Caspian sea : with an appendix, containing short notices of the geology and commerce of Persia / by James B. Fraser».