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Цвет ready-made, или Теория и практика цвета Цвет ready-made, или Теория и практика цвета

Автор: Стефанов Стефан, Тихонов Валерий

Год издания: 

Издание посвящено проблеме цвета и его воспроизведения полиграфическими средствами с наилучшим качеством. Подобное полное издание о цвете в России выпускается впервые. Авторы добились в изложении материала успешного сочетания необходимых теоретических и практических знаний и освещения предмета в комплексе. Издание затрагивает такие вопросы, как условия восприятия цвета и их контроль, цветное изображение на оригинале и полиграфическом оттиске, сканирование и градационные преобразования, цветоделение и синтез цвета на оттиске, растрирование, растровые структуры и растровые изображения с регулярным, нерегулярным и стохастическим растром, лазерные экспонирующие выводные устройства и многие другие. Издание построено в форме коротких глав, чтобы можно было осваивать материал последовательно при самообразовании или выборочно, в качестве справочного пособия при уточнении и расширении знаний. Книга, несомненно, будет полезна полиграфистам, всем специалистам, работающим с цветом, заказчикам полиграфии. Издание допущено Учебно-методическим объединением по образованию в области полиграфии и книжного дела для студентов высших учебных заведений по специальности "Технология полиграфического производства" в качестве учебного пособия.

Ready to Be a Thought Leader?. How to Increase Your Influence, Impact, and Success Ready to Be a Thought Leader?. How to Increase Your Influence, Impact, and Success

Автор: Guy Kawasaki

Год издания: 

The how-to guide to becoming a go-to expert Within their fields, thought leaders are sources of inspiration and innovation. They have the gift of harnessing their expertise and their networks to make their innovative thoughts real and replicable, sparking sustainable change and even creating movements around their ideas. In Ready to Be a Thought Leader?, renowned executive talent agent Denise Brosseau shows readers how to develop and use that gift as she maps the path from successful executive, professional, or civic leader to respected thought leader. With the author's proven seven-step process—and starting from wherever they are in their careers—readers can set a course for maximum impact in their field. These guidelines, along with stories, tips, and success secrets from those who have successfully made the transition to high-profile thought leader, allow readers to create a long-term plan and start putting it into action today, even if they only have 15 minutes to spare. Offers a step-by-step process for becoming a recognized thought leader in your field Includes real-world examples from such high-profile thought leaders as Robin Chase, founder and former CEO of Zipcar; Chip Conley, author of PEAK and former CEO of JDV Hospitality; and more Written by Denise Brosseau, founder of Thought Leadership Lab, an executive talent agency that helps executives become thought leaders, who has worked with start-up CEOs and leaders from such firms as Apple, Genentech, Symantec, Morgan Stanley, Medtronic, KPMG, DLA Piper, and more Ready to Be a Thought Leader? offers essential reading for anyone ready to expand their influence, increase their professional success, have an impact far beyond a single organization and industry, and ultimately leave a legacy that matters.

A Non-Freaked Out Guide to Teaching the Common Core. Using the 32 Literacy Anchor Standards to Develop College- and Career-Ready Students A Non-Freaked Out Guide to Teaching the Common Core. Using the 32 Literacy Anchor Standards to Develop College- and Career-Ready Students

Автор: Dave Jr. Stuart

Год издания: 

Implement the Common Core for ELA without all the stress A Non-Freaked Out Guide to Teaching the Common Core uses the often-neglected anchor standards to get to the heart of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)—teaching students the skills they need to be college and career ready. Each anchor standard is broken down into its key points, and a discussion of each anchor standard's central purpose helps outline the context for each required skill. This easy-to-read guide gives educators the kind of clear explanations, examples, and strategies they need to feel comfortable teaching the CCSS, and shows how CCSS skills can be integrated into virtually any existing lesson plan. Getting a firm grasp of the anchor standards is the quickest way to start teaching the key concepts of the CCSS, and this user-friendly guide is designed to pave the way for both the first-time teacher and the experienced pro.

The Elementary Teacher's Big Book of Graphic Organizers, K-5. 100+ Ready-to-Use Organizers That Help Kids Learn Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and More The Elementary Teacher's Big Book of Graphic Organizers, K-5. 100+ Ready-to-Use Organizers That Help Kids Learn Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and More

Автор: Katherine McKnight S.

Год издания: 

100 ready-to-use graphic organizers that help elementary students learn Graphic organizers are a powerful metacognitive teaching and learning tool and this book features 100 graphic organizers for teachers in grades K-5—double the number of any other book on the market. These graphic organizers can be used as before learning, during learning, or after learning activities, and support students' learning in the major content areas: English language arts, science, social studies, and mathematics. Teachers can use each graphic organizer as-is or customize for their own classroom's unique needs. Tips for classroom implementation and information on how the tool supports learning A Difficulty Dial that indicates the complexity of each graphic organizer Two Student Samples demonstrating how the organizer may be used with younger and older students This book gives teachers in grades K-5 a powerful way to help students understand relationships between facts, terms, and ideas.

College and Career Ready. Helping All Students Succeed Beyond High School College and Career Ready. Helping All Students Succeed Beyond High School

Автор: David Conley T.

Год издания: 

Giving students the tools they need to succeed in college and work College and Career Ready offers educators a blueprint for improving high school so that more students are able to excel in freshman-level college courses or entry-level jobs-laying a solid foundation for lifelong growth and success. The book is filled with detailed, practical guidelines and case descriptions of what the best high schools are doing. Includes clear guidelines for high school faculty to adapt their programs of instruction in the direction of enhanced college/career readiness Provides practical strategies for improving students' content knowledge and academic behaviors Offers examples of best practices and research-based recommendations for change The book considers the impact of behavioral issues-such as time management and study habits-as well as academic skills on college readiness.