If you want to learn languages fast and effectively then this book is for you.Learning with this method will give you the freedom to learn individually (without spending money on neither expensive language courses nor learning manuals) and to approach languages in a more effective way.If you learn languages at school or in language courses then this material can help you achieve good results with very little time as a useful guide to help you in your learning process.To be frank, the only things that you need in order to learn a language is this book and the internet – everything else is in you. Получить ссылку |
Repair of car interiors, methods, equipment, materials, in eBook
Автор: Монолит
Год издания:
Upholstery tools and materials
Manual dismantling of interior parts
Mastering the art of sewing
Making upholstery pattern
Examples of ready patterns
Installation instructions autocovers
Leather interior with their own hands
Padding of the saloon ceiling
We produce door skin
Padding vinyl interior
Padding upholstery motorcycle seats
Renovation of the old sagging armchair
Eliminating failures heated seat
Nano Textile upholstery
Technology smart car flocking
The interiors of the converted cars
History of the European languages. Vol. 1
Автор: Alexander Murray
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «History of the European languages : Vol. 1 : or researches into the affinities of the Teutonic, Greek, Celtic, Sclavionic, and Indian nations : with a life of the author / by the late Alexander Murray».
History of the European languages. Vol. 2
Автор: Alexander Murray
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «History of the European languages : Vol. 2 : or researches into the affinities of the Teutonic, Greek, Celtic, Sclavionic, and Indian nations : with a life of the author / by the late Alexander Murray».
An essay on the first principles of government and on the nature of political, civil, and religious liberty
Автор: Joseph Priestley
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «An essay on the first principles of government and on the nature of political, civil, and religious liberty : including remarks on Dr. Brown's Code of education and on Dr. Balguy's Sermon on Church Authority / by Joseph Priestley».
First lines of the practice of physic. Vol. 1
Автор: William Cullen
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «First lines of the practice of physic : Vol. 1 : in 2 volumes / by William Cullen ; with supplementary notes, including the more recent improvements in the practice of medecine, by Peter Reid».
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