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Social Capital and Strategy Effectiveness: An Empirical Study of Entrepreneurial Ventures in a Transition Economy Social Capital and Strategy Effectiveness: An Empirical Study of Entrepreneurial Ventures in a Transition Economy

Автор: I. Manev

Год издания: 

Although new ventures’ competitive positioning and their founders’ social networks are both recognized as important in the context of transition economies, not much is known about their multiplicative effect on performance. We build on the strategic management literature and social network theory to develop theoretical predictions about the role of competitive strategies and social capital for entrepreneurial performance. These are tested with survey data from Bulgaria. We find that both the venture’s competitive strategic positioning and the founder’s networking positively influence performance. The hypothesized moderating effect of networking for the relationship between differentiation strategy and performance received only tentative support. Contrary to expectations, we find a negative moderating effect of networking for the relationship of cost leadership with performance. These results suggest that the entrepreneur’s network plays a role in shaping how strategies influence performance by possibly upholding differentiation and deemphasizing cost leadership strategy. Implications for managerial practice and public policy are discussed.

Human Capital. Challenges for Russia Human Capital. Challenges for Russia

Автор: В. А. Мау

Год издания: 

Education, healthcare and pension system are the key sources of modern economic growth. They stand in need of a profound transformation if they are to meet post-industrial challenges. The new principles of transformation of these sectors include individualization of services, their privatization (an increased role for private spending), life-long demand for these services, globalization (international competition) and the development of radically new technologies.

The Languages of Smaller Populations: Risks and Possibilities. Lectures from the Tallinn Conference, 16–17 March 2012 The Languages of Smaller Populations: Risks and Possibilities. Lectures from the Tallinn Conference, 16–17 March 2012

Автор: Urmas Bereczki

Год издания: 

16.–17. martsil 2012 toimus Eesti Rahvusraamatukogus rahvusvaheline ja interdistsiplinaarne konverents, mille pealkirjaks ja teemaks oli „Vaikerahvaste keelte riskid ja voimalused“. Urituse patrooniks oli Riigikogu esimees pr Ene Ergma, president Toomas Hendrik Ilves saatis kirjaliku lakituse konverentsi ja sellel osalejate tervituseks.Konverentsil osales kokku 20 teadlast 9 erinevast riigist: Eestile lisaks Groonimaalt (Taani), Walesist (Uhendkuningriik), Prantsusmaalt, Itaaliast, Ungarist, Latist, Soomest ja Venemaalt. Ettekanded tegelesid osalt vaikerahvaste keelte ellujaamisstrateegiatega, osalt aga keele ja kultuuri erinevate ilmnemisvormide ning nende omavaheliste seoste dunaamikaga, millest pika peale keelte jatkusuutlikkus paljuski oleneb.

My Estonia 3. What Happened? My Estonia 3. What Happened?

Автор: Justin Petrone

Год издания: 

This is the story of a man looking for his way. New York did not satisfy his soul, so he moved to Estonia, with his crazy wife, a kid, and six suitcases. Within 24 hours he found a home and had to learn how to make a fire. It did not satisfy his soul for long. Soon he had a house with four furnaces, and was making fires around the clock.His crazy Estonian wife started a publishing house that turned out well. Too well. He decided to become an academic. It did not satisfy him for long, but at least he met a real elf who inspired him. Then he decided to dabble in diplomacy. It did not feel right either.And he got depressed. There were too many drunks and neo-Nazis in this country, not to mention all the mice, lice, and ice. Writing books – bestsellers! – about those problems seemed to satisfy his soul. He thought he had found his niche, as a writer in a small town teeming with cafes and characters.Then, overnight, it all collapsed.The action in Justin Petrone ?s new book takes place mostly in two Estonian towns, folksy Viljandi and teacherly Tartu. It takes place from the year 2007 (the Bronze Soldier riots) until 2013 (when Petrone left Estonia amid a national scandal).

My Estonia My Estonia

Автор: Justin Petrone

Год издания: 

See on nii romantiline! Mitu inimest on mu kasikirja kohta kasutanud just seda fraasi ja neil on oigus: noor kriisis ameeriklane armub ponevasse eestlannast ajakirjanikku ning alustab teekonda, mis taastab noormehe usu endasse ja maailma. Nous. See on romantiline. Aga see teekond ei olnud lihtne. Valismaalane saabub keset koige pimedamat talve ja peab jaama ellu sel koige onnetuma saatusega Skandinaaviamaal, kus iga perekonda kummitavad minevikuoudused, kus inimesed soovad verest tehtud vorste ja tarretiseks keedetud lihatukke, joovad sooja leivajooki, ning hilinemise eest voib neid tabada surmanuhtlus. Ma hakkasin seda maad armastama tema ilus ja inetuses, ja armastasin edasi ka neil hetkedel, kui mind maale tagasi lasta ei tahetud.