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14-aastase Susani elu on parast onu surma taielikult pea peale keeratud. Tema isa on venna kaotuse tottu sugavas depressioonis ning otsib oma leinas lohutust alkoholist. Uks onnetus jargneb teisele. Isa kaotab too ning pere jaab oma kodust ilma, isa ja ema vahelised suhted ei ole enam endised. Susani ja tema noorema venna Rasmuse jaoks muutub olukord taiesti valjakannatamatuks. Uha sagedamini keerleb tudruku peas mote: kui ma ometi suudaks valja selgitada, mis tapselt juhtus ja kes on onu surmas suudi… Ehk aitaks see isal juhtunuga leppida ja mustast august valja rabeleda?Miks pidi keegi Tarmo tapma?! See kusimus keerles meil koigil peas terve aasta ning kogu lugu havitas meie peret jarjepideva visadusega. Paps hakkas varsti parast neid jubedaid uudiseid jooma ning mida aeg edasi ja mida rohkem ta politseilt kuulis, et tulistajat pole ikka katte saadud, seda hullemaid tuure tema joomingud votsid. Olgu oeldud, et paps pole kunagi karsklane olnud, aga mitte iial pole ta joonud sel kombel nagu nuud. Nahes teda hilisohtuti uksest sisse tuikumas, motlesin tihtipeale, et talle ei lahe enam mitte miski korda. Ka meie mitte.„Halloween” palvis Eesti Lastekirjanduse Keskuse ja kirjastuse Tanapaev korraldatud 2014. aasta noorsooromaanide voistlusel III koha.

The Halloween Tree The Halloween Tree

Автор: Рэй Брэдбери

Год издания: 

One of Ray Bradbury’s classic stories – available in ebook for the first time.On Halloween night, eight trick-or-treaters gather at the haunted house by the edge of town, ready for adventure. But when Something whisks their friend Pip away, only one man – the sinister Carapace Clavicle Moundshroud – can help the boys find him.A classic tale of horror and adventure from the master of storytelling, Ray Bradbury.

Halloween Knight Halloween Knight

Автор: Tori Phillips

Год издания: 

Sir Mark Hayward had sworn never again to cross paths with Belle Cavendish, for though she was the daughter of his liege lord, the young she-devil had been the plague of his boyhood. But when Brandon Cavendish offered to make him a landed knight in return for rescuing his precious Belle, Mark could not refuse.With such a prize at stake, how hard could it be for a clever knight to spirit one young woman away from her captors? How hard, indeed! For the ungrateful Belle refused to leave. And suddenly the simple rescue had become a full-blown invasion, with mischief and mayhem and a devious plan to ride the castle of all its vermin at a haunted banquet one Halloween night!

Halloween. Zabawa czy zagrozenie? Halloween. Zabawa czy zagrozenie?

Автор: Andrzej Zwolinski

Год издания: 

Her Halloween Treat Her Halloween Treat

Автор: Tiffany Reisz

Год издания: 

Trick…or wicked treat!It was a devastating dirty trick—Joey Silvia just found out her boyfriend of two years is married. What. A. Dick. Joey knows her best chance to get over one guy is to get under another. Of course, heading home to her family's remote cabin in Oregon poses some challenges in the «available men» department…until she discovers this cabin comes with its own hot handyman!Holy crap, Chris Steffensen. When did her brother's best friend turn into a hard-bodied pile of blond-bearded hotness? He's the perfect Halloween treat—and a surprisingly dirty rebound guy. For a couple of weeks, anyway. Except that Chris has other ideas…like proving to Joey that this blast from the past is a whole lot more than a naughty Halloween hookup.

Best Halloween Ever Best Halloween Ever

Автор: Barbara Robinson

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