Скачать книгу - Poliitiliselt ebakorrektne tode islamist

„Rebigu Allah valja tema selgroog ja raiugu tema aju kaheks ning pangu siis need molemad tagasi ja tehku seda uuesti ja uuesti. Aamen.“ Autorile osaks saanud “palve” Arvad, et tunned islamit? Peaaegu koik, mida sa islamist ja ristisodadest tead, on vale! • Muhammad ei jutlustanud rahu ja sallivust! Oma vaenlased lasi ta johkralt morvata. Oma jungritele opetas ta, et sodima peab seni, kuni islami seadus kehtib ka mittemuslimite riikides. • Ristisodade eesmark oli enesekaitse! Tegu ei olnud eurooplaste jultunud runnakuga suutute muslimite vastu, vaid hoopis hilinenud vastuloogiga sajandeid kestnud muslimite agressioonile. • Paljukiidetud islami kultuuri kuldajastu toukejouks olid mittemuslimid! • Euroopa voib XXI sajandi lopuks olla islamiusku… Islamiekspert Robert Spencer on organisatsiooni Jihad Watch direktor ja Free Congress Foundationi kaastooline. Ta on kirjutanud uheksa islamiteemalist raamatut, teiste hulgas bestselleri “Kogu tode Muhammadist: maailma koige sallimatuma religiooni asutaja”. Oma poliitiliselt ebakorrektse stiili tottu on tema elukoht salastatud.

Modern Islamist Movements. History, Religion, and Politics Modern Islamist Movements. History, Religion, and Politics

Автор: Jon Armajani

Год издания: 

Modern Islamist Movements provides a clear and accessible examination of the history, beliefs and rationale of Islamist Groups and their grievances with the West and governments within the majority-Muslim world, while examining some of these groups' visions for a global Islamic empire. A clear and accessible text that examines the history, beliefs and rationale for violence emerging from Islamist movements, while examining some of these groups' visions for a global Islamic empire Examines Islamist grievances against the West and modern governments in the majority Muslim world, while providing an overview of Islam's relations with the West from the period of the Crusades to the modern age Discusses the historic development of Islamism in Egypt, the West Bank and Gaza, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and Afghanistan Explains classic Islamic understandings of jihad and Bin Laden's, al-Qaida's, and other Islamists interpretations of this concept Offers an historical account of the formative relationship between al-Qaida, other Islamists, and Islamic intellectual trends beginning in the eighteenth century Appropriate for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as interested general readers

Leksykon organizacji i ruchow islamistycznych Leksykon organizacji i ruchow islamistycznych

Автор: Krzysztof Izak

Год издания: 

Islamist Mobilization in Turkey Islamist Mobilization in Turkey

Автор: Jenny White

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Militant Islamist Ideology Militant Islamist Ideology

Автор: Youssef H., Aboul-Enein

Год издания: 

A top adviser at the Joint Intelligence Task Force for Combating Terrorism argues that winning the war against Militant Islamists requires a more nuanced understanding of their ideology. His book is among the first attempts to deconstruct and marginalize al-Qaida ideology using Islamic based arguments. By clearly defining the differences between Islam, Islamist, and Military Islamist, Aboul-Enein highlights how militant Islamist ideology takes fragments of Islamic history and theology and weaves them into a narrow, pseudo-intellectual ideology to justify their violence against Muslims and non-Muslims alike. In offering a comprehensive explanation of how Militant Islamists have hijacked the Islamic religion, Aboul-Enein provides a realistic description of the militant threat, which is different and distinct from Islamist political discourse and the wider religion of Islam.