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„Akna taga sajab alla tume tsemendi- ja rusupilv, millele jargneb vali murin. Jarsku on koik kottpime, tunnen, kuidas mingi suur mass mind kusagile alla tuhimikku surub. „See ongi nuud lopp!” jouan moelda, kui jarsku murin vaibub ja minu kukkumine peatub.” Haiti – maa, mis seal veedetud aja jooksul naitas mulle oma erinevaid palgeid ning oleks mind napilt igaveseks endale jatnud. 12. jaanuaril 2010 toimus Port-au-Prince’is maavarin, mille kaigus hukkus arvatavalt 230 000 inimest. Neist 102 olid minu sobrad ja kolleegid UROst. Haiti – maa, kus algas minu uus elu. Tarmo Joeveer Получить ссылку

A Concise History of the Haitian Revolution A Concise History of the Haitian Revolution

Автор: Jeremy Popkin D.

Год издания: 

This book offers students a concise and clearly written overview of the events of the Haitian Revolution, from the slave uprising in the French colony of Saint-Domingue in 1791 to the declaration of Haiti’s independence in 1804. Draws on the latest scholarship in the field as well as the author’s original research Offers a valuable resource for those studying independence movements in Latin America, the history of the Atlantic World, the history of the African diaspora, and the age of the American and French revolutions Written by an expert on both the French and Haitian revolutions to offer a balanced view Presents a chronological, yet thematic, account of the complex historical contexts that produced and shaped the Haitian Revolution

Liebestrommeln auf Haiti Liebestrommeln auf Haiti

Автор: Barbara Cartland

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Toussaint L'Ouverture. La Revolucion haitiana Toussaint L'Ouverture. La Revolucion haitiana

Автор: Jean-Bertrand Aristide

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The Haitian Revolution and the Early United States The Haitian Revolution and the Early United States

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

When Jean-Jacques Dessalines proclaimed Haitian independence on January 1, 1804, Haiti became the second independent republic, after the United States, in the Americas; the Haitian Revolution was the first successful antislavery and anticolonial revolution in the western hemisphere. The histories of Haiti and the early United States were intimately linked in terms of politics, economics, and geography, but unlike Haiti, the United States would remain a slaveholding republic until 1865. While the Haitian Revolution was a beacon for African Americans and abolitionists in the United States, it was a terrifying specter for proslavery forces there, and its effects were profound. In the wake of Haiti's liberation, the United States saw reconfigurations of its geography, literature, politics, and racial and economic structures. The Haitian Revolution and the Early United States explores the relationship between the dramatic events of the Haitian Revolution and the development of the early United States. The first section, «Histories,» addresses understandings of the Haitian Revolution in the developing public sphere of the early United States, from theories of state sovereignty to events in the street; from the economic interests of U.S. merchants to disputes in the chambers of diplomats; and from the flow of rumor and second-hand news of refugees to the informal communication networks of the enslaved. The second section, «Geographies,» explores the seismic shifts in the ways the physical territories of the two nations and the connections between them were imagined, described, inhabited, and policed as a result of the revolution. The final section, «Textualities,» explores the wide-ranging consequences that reading and writing about slavery, rebellion, emancipation, and Haiti in particular had on literary culture in both the United States and Haiti. With essays from leading and emerging scholars of Haitian and U.S. history, literature, and cultural studies, The Haitian Revolution and the Early United States traces the rich terrain of Haitian-U.S. culture and history in the long nineteenth century. Contributors: Anthony Bogues, Marlene Daut, Elizabeth Maddock Dillon, Michael Drexler, Laurent Dubois, James Alexander Dun, Duncan Faherty, Carolyn Fick, David Geggus, Kieran Murphy, Colleen O'Brien, Peter P. Reed, Siân Silyn Roberts, Cristobal Silva, Ed White, Ivy Wilson, Gretchen Woertendyke, Edlie Wong.

Dreamland Grusel, Folge 6: Der Zombie-Macher von Haiti Dreamland Grusel, Folge 6: Der Zombie-Macher von Haiti

Автор: A. F. Morland

Год издания: 

Wenn sich das organisierte Verbrechen mit Hilfe von Voodoo-Zauber ausbreiten mochte, Menschen verschwinden und ein Zombie sein Unwesen treibt, dann kann nur noch einer helfen! Barry Belmondo, der Voodoo-Priester, der sich in einen Voodoo-Gott verwandeln kann und sich dem Guten verschrieben hat.