Скачать книгу - Minu Kilimanjaro. Igauhe Everest

Kui ma jarjekordselt seljakotti pakin, kusib ode: „Kuidas sa ei ole siiani aru saanud, kui raske ja kurnav see on? Miks sa jalle lahed?“Kilimanjarol algab teekond, rannak endasse. Me laheme jarjest korgemale liikudes lukku, kuid hetked, mil end avame, on ausamast ausamad. Motted tulevad ja lahevad, kuni pea on tuhi ja voimust votab eriline enesega olemise tunne. Energialaeng on imeline.Aafrika katusel kaib igal aastal kuni 80 000 inimest. Ega seda mage ilmaasjata igauhe Everestiks kutsuta! Koigil matkajatel on oma lugu, kuid eesmark on uks – 5895 meetri korgune Uhuru Peak, tolkes Vabaduse tipp.Tous Kilimanjaro kliimavoondites meenutab mulle Eesti aastaaegade vaheldumist. Peale selle saab enne voi parast matka nautida Tansaania eluolu – kulastada polisrahvaid, seigelda savannisugavustes voi jalgida vurtsidehongulisi paikeseloojanguid Sansibari randadel. Ma olen ennast sinna vahel liiga kauaks unustanud…

Last Hours on Everest: The gripping story of Mallory and Irvine’s fatal ascent Last Hours on Everest: The gripping story of Mallory and Irvine’s fatal ascent

Автор: Graham Hoyland

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Everest Lidera Everest Lidera

Автор: Anna Sarnacka-Smith

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The Great Arc: The Dramatic Tale of How India was Mapped and Everest was Named The Great Arc: The Dramatic Tale of How India was Mapped and Everest was Named

Автор: John Keay

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A vivid description of one of the most ambitious scientific projects undertaken in the 19th century, and the men who undertook the measurement of the Himalayas and the mapping of the Indian subcontinent: William Lambton and George Everest.The graphic story of the measurement of a meridian, or longitudinal, arc extending from the tip of the Indian subcontinent to the mountains of the Himalayas.Much the longest such measurement hitherto made, it posed horrendous technical difficulties, made impossible physical demands on the survey parties (jungle, tigers, mountains etc.), and took over 50 years. But the scientific results were commensurate, including the discovery of the world’s highest peaks and a new calculation of the curvature of the earth’s surface.The Indian Mutiny of 1857 triggered a massive construction of roads, railways, telegraph lines and canals throughout India: all depended heavily on the accuracy of the maps which the Great Arc had made possible.

Up: My Life's Journey To The Top Of Everest Up: My Life's Journey To The Top Of Everest

Автор: Ben Fogle

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Climbing Everest Climbing Everest

Автор: Bear Grylls

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