"Sonal „autism” on ka praegusel ajal paljude inimeste jaoks kohutav tahendus: silme ette tulevad konetud, stereotuupidega, karjuvad, kontaktivoimetud lapsed, ning enamik inimesi ei motle selle peale, milline saab olema nende laste tulevik. Samuti ei tea me veel siiani piisavalt pohjalikult autismispektri hairete pohjuste kohta.Selle raamatu autor Temple Grandin on ise autistlik inimene, kes on oma norkusi ja tugevusi tundma oppinud, nii et ta on elus hasti hakkama saanud: leidnud too, lopetanud ulikooli, saanud teadlaseks, ning ta on uurinud kogu elu autismi olemust ja pohjusi.Ta jagab selles raamatus soovitusi, kuidas keskenduda autismispektri hairetega laste tugevustele, kuidas toetada nende arengut, haridusteed ja kuidas leida neile toovoimalusi. Tema kogemuste kirjeldused ja mitmekesised soovitused on vaga vaartuslikud koikidele autistlike laste vanematele, aga ka koigile spetsialistidele, kes tootavad nende lastega. Arvestades koiki neid selle raamatu teemakasitlusi, saaks ka meie haridussusteem pakkuda autismispektri hairega lastele just neile sobivaimat oppimisvoimalust.Autorite nouanded selle kohta, kuidas aidata autistlikel lastel elus toime tulla, on sedavord elulised ja realistlikud, et need voiks juhendmaterjalina kaasa anda koikidele vanematele, kui nende laps saab autismispektri hairete diagnoosi.Mida rohkem me saame teada autistliku aju eriparadest ja sellest, kuidas kaasaegseid uuringuid ara kasutada, seda paremini suudame me leida nendele lastele paremaid voimalusi toimetulekuks. Temple Grandin on vaga hea eeskuju koikidele autismispektri hairega inimestele – tema elukaik naitab, mida on voimalik saavutada suure too ja realistliku lahenemisega. Me koik ju soovime autismispektri hairega lastele just samalaadset tulevikku – iseseisvat toimetulekut ja taisvaartuslikku elu – ning see raamat aitab meil selle poole puuelda. Получить ссылку |
Автор: Jakob Korv
Год издания:
Raamatust leiab koitvas stiilis kirjutatud muistendi “Veealused”. Autor viib lugeja veealuse maailma kuldselt hiilgavatesse elupaikadesse, mille petlik sara meelitab inimesi enda ruppe. Tegemist on poneva arendusega fantaasiarikka looga, mille tegelased mojuvad usutavalt ja omamoodi kasvatuslikult.
Автор: Friedrich Reinhold Kreutzwald
Год издания:
Spionaazi alused
Автор: Viktor Suvorov
Год издания:
Kas teadsid, et Vene sojavaeluure organisatsiooni GRU eelarve oli suurem kui KGB oma? Voi ei noukogude kosmonaudid kulutasid ligi poole oma ajast kosmoses taites ulesandeid, mis teenisid GRU huve? Valjapaistva ajaloolase, kirjaniku ja sojandusanaluutiku Viktor Suvorovi uus raamat kasitleb aarmise pohjalikkusega noukogude sojavaeluure olemust, ulesehitust ja toopohimotteid, jatmata raakimata ka selle rivaliteedist KGB ja parteiga. Teksti aitavad moista ohtrad skeemid ja tabelid ning sellest leiab ponevad lugusid ja fakte. Tihe, detailne ja suvitsi minev ulevaade ei ole siiski liiga kuiv, vaid pandud kirja autori parimas stiilis ja mahlakas keeles ning kohati vurtsitatud lausa vollahuumorini kuundiva ehtveneliku konepruugiga.
A Practical Guide to Autism. What Every Parent, Family Member, and Teacher Needs to Know
Автор: Fred Volkmar R.
Год издания:
Autism is in the public spotlight now more than ever as new research and information appears almost daily. Although in many ways this is a positive development it also presents challenges to families and practitioners who want to keep up with the latest developments and are left to sift through new information by themselves to see what is credible and relevant for them.Each of us needs a personal research assistant who can determine which information we need to pay attention to and let us know how it might affect our daily work and the children we are living with or serve. Since we each don’t have our own research assistants on staff, I am delighted to recommend this wonderful book by Fred Volkmar and Lisa Wiesner. Both of these talented professional leaders have combined their scientific skills and understanding of the field with great practical experience and ideas about how research can be translated into clinical practice. The result is a book that provides the best and most comprehensive information about recent scientific developments and a splendid practical guide for how they are being implemented and what we are learning in the process. The issues are presented in all of their complexity but translated into language that is clear, direct, and easy to follow. The format also lends itself to understanding the complex issues and their implications through excellent charts, question and answer sections, and chapters that vary from describing diagnostic issues to stating very specifically how to expand and evaluate the services one is receiving. The comprehensive references and lists of additional resources also add greatly to the overall package. As a professional dedicated to understanding scientific advances and helping families and teachers to utilize them most effectively, I am very pleased to have an ally like this book available. I am very grateful to the authors for providing a very credible, practical, and relevant addition to our field to help the many advocates and family practitioners to better understand the exciting new developments and how they can be implemented in our day to day work. Those taking the time to read through this superb volume will find it time well spent that pays back dividends in many different ways. —FOREWORD by Gary B. Mesibov, Ph.D., Professor and Director of TEACCH, Treatment and Education of Autistic and Related Communication Handicapped Children University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
A History of Autism. Conversations with the Pioneers
Автор: Adam Feinstein
Год издания:
This unique book is the first to fully explore the history of autism – from the first descriptions of autistic-type behaviour to the present day. Features in-depth discussions with leading professionals and pioneers to provide an unprecedented insight into the historical changes in the perception of autism and approaches to it Presents carefully chosen case studies and the latest findings in the field Includes evidence from many previously unpublished documents and illustrations Interviews with parents of autistic children acknowledge the important contribution they have made to a more profound understanding of this enigmatic condition
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