Скачать книгу - Dao opetus. Daodejing

Dao opetuse ehk Daodejingi enam kui 2500 aasta vanused tarkused parinevad vaidetavalt Hiina filosoof Laozilt. See on uks maailma vanimaid ja paljutolgitumaid raamatuid, millest tanaseks on valminud mitu erinevat eestikeelset tolget. Kaesolev valjaanne tutvustab neist esimest, 1937 ilmunud August Wesley soome ja inglise keele vahendusel tehtud tolget.
Peep Sober

Tao Te Ching (Daodejing) Tao Te Ching (Daodejing)

Автор: Lao Tzu

Год издания: 

Daodejing Daodejing

Автор: Laotse

Год издания: 

Daodejing Daodejing

Автор: Laozi

Год издания: 

This translation presents Daoism’s basic text in highly readable contemporary English. Incorporating the latest scholarship in the field (including the most recent discoveries of ancient manuscripts in the 1970s and '90s), the book explains Daodejing's often cryptic verses in a clear and concise way. The introduction interprets the Daodejing's poetic imagery in the context of ancient Chinese symbolism, and a brief philosophical analysis accompanies each of the 81 translated chapters of the Daodejing.