Alates 1930. aastatest kuni oma surmani 1953. a lasi Jossif Stalin hukata enam kui miljon oma riigi kodanikku. Veel mitut miljonit tabas sunnitoo, asumisele saatmine, nalg, verised massimorvad, vahistamised ja ulekuulamised Stalini kasilaste poolt. Stalini genotsiidid on nende kuritoode oovastav lugu. Raamat vaidab, et Stalini reziimi ajal 1930ndail aastail toimunud johkrad tapmised olid toepoolest genotsiidiaktid ning et nende taga oli Noukogude diktaator isiklikult. Получить ссылку |
Stalini vaejuht: Georgi Zukovi elu
Автор: Geoffrey Roberts
Год издания:
Georgi Zukovi renomee on aegade jooksul korduvalt muutunud. Noukogude ajal tousis ta hinnatud vaejuhiks, Stalini ajal langes polu alla, Teise maailmasoja jarel sai temast taas ulistatud kangelane. Hiljuti avatud Noukogude arhiivimaterjale, sealhulgas ka Zukovi tsenseerimata memuaare uurinud Geoffrey Roberts maalib ilmeka portree sellest vastuolulise kuulsusega mehest, tema tasakaalustatud hinnang lohub Zukovi ulespuhutud kultuse, kuid uhtaegu tunnustab meest ja tema saavutusi oiglaselt.
The Last Stalinist: The Life of Santiago Carrillo
Автор: Paul Preston
Год издания:
The life of the complex, ruthless adversary of General Franco, whose life spanned much of Spain’s turbulence in the 20th century.From 1939 to 1975, the Spanish Communist Party, effectively lead for two decades by Santiago Carrillo, was the most determined opponent of General Franco’s Nationalist regime. Admired by many on the left as a revolutionary and a pillar of the anti-Franco struggle and hated by others as a Stalinist gravedigger of the revolution, Santiago Carrillo was arguably the dictator’s most consistent left-wing enemy.For many on the right, Carrillo was a monster to be vilified as a mass murderer for his activities during the Civil War. But his survival owed to certain qualities that he had in abundance – a capacity for hard work, stamina and endurance, writing and oratorical skills, intelligence and cunning – though honesty and loyalty were not among them.One by one he turned on those who helped him in his desire for advancement, revealing the ruthless streak that he shared with Franco, and a zeal for rewriting his past. Drawing on the numerous, continuously revised accounts Carillo created of his life, and contrasting them with those produced by his friends and enemies, Spain’s greatest modern historian Paul Preston unravels the legend of a devastating and controversial figure at the heart of 20th century Spanish politics.
The Last Stalinist: The Life of Santiago Carrillo
Автор: Paul Preston
Год издания:
The life of the complex, ruthless adversary of General Franco, whose life spanned much of Spain’s turbulence in the 20th century.From 1939 to 1975, the Spanish Communist Party, effectively lead for two decades by Santiago Carrillo, was the most determined opponent of General Franco’s Nationalist regime. Admired by many on the left as a revolutionary and a pillar of the anti-Franco struggle and hated by others as a Stalinist gravedigger of the revolution, Santiago Carrillo was arguably the dictator’s most consistent left-wing enemy.For many on the right, Carrillo was a monster to be vilified as a mass murderer for his activities during the Civil War. But his survival owed to certain qualities that he had in abundance – a capacity for hard work, stamina and endurance, writing and oratorical skills, intelligence and cunning – though honesty and loyalty were not among them.One by one he turned on those who helped him in his desire for advancement, revealing the ruthless streak that he shared with Franco, and a zeal for rewriting his past. Drawing on the numerous, continuously revised accounts Carillo created of his life, and contrasting them with those produced by his friends and enemies, Spain’s greatest modern historian Paul Preston unravels the legend of a devastating and controversial figure at the heart of 20th century Spanish politics.
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