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Maetaguse vanad Maetaguse vanad

Автор: Anton Hansen Tammsaare

Год издания: 

Noored hinged Noored hinged

Автор: Anton Hansen Tammsaare

Год издания: 

Bioinorganic Vanadium Chemistry Bioinorganic Vanadium Chemistry

Автор: Группа авторов

Год издания: 

Vanadium is named after Vanadis, the most aristocratic of Norse goddesses, who symbolises beauty and fertility – essential features of vanadium chemistry. It is a ubiquitous trace element, with a surprising range of biological functions. In Bioinorganic Vanadium Chemistry, Dieter Rehder addresses the major aspects of vanadium chemistry related to living organisms and the mutual impact between biological and inorganic vanadium chemistry. Topics covered include: the history, natural occurrence, distribution and impact of vanadium inorganic aspects of the function of vanadium in biological systems interaction of aqueous vanadate and vanadyl with biogenic ligands vanadium coordination compounds the vanadium-carbon bond methods of characterisation of biogenic and model vanadium systems (EPR and ENDOR for oxovanadium(IV); 51V NMR for vanadium(V); XAS) vanadium in ascidians and polychaeta worms the concentration of vanadium in the form of amavadin by Amanita mushrooms vanadate-dependent haloperoxidases vanadium and the nitrogen cycle vanadate as energiser for bacteria, and vanadophores medicinal aspectsm including the anti-diabetic potential of vanadium compounds interaction of vanadium with proteins and protein substrates vanadium and phosphate-metabolising enzymes Bioinorganic Vanadium Chemistry conveys the essential aspects of vanadium bioinorganic chemistry, making this book a valuable complement to more general bioinorganic chemistry texts and more specialized topical reviews for researchers and students alike.

Vanadis Vanadis

Автор: Isolde Kurz

Год издания: 

Kui vanad naised armuvad. 1. osa. Katre Kui vanad naised armuvad. 1. osa. Katre

Автор: Leelo Kassikapp

Год издания: 

„Katre” on esimene romaan Leelo Kassikapatriloogiast ,,Kui vanad naised armuvad”.Romaani peategelane Katre on kuldse keskeakunnise uletanud. Naine on oma neli last suurekskasvatanud ja seega on tema elutootehtud. Elu uksluisus ei rahulda tegusat naist.Ta igatseb enda ellu veel midagi. Katre ei suudaleppida mottega, et tema jaoks ei olegienam midagi tulemas ja kogu edasine elu onsurmani paika pandud.Kui Katre ellu ilmub Mattias, armub naineeneselegi ootamatult. Mees vallutab koik naisemotted ja tunded. See on lugu sugava hingeeluganaise elu viimasest koikehaaravast kiindumusest,kirglikust keelatud armastusest.Romaani lopus jouab tegevus tagasi Katrelapsepolve, mis moodus sojajargsetel aastatelVorumaal vaga vaeses neljalapselises peres