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Miks me tahame, et te oleksite rikkad Miks me tahame, et te oleksite rikkad

Автор: Роберт Кийосаки

Год издания: 

Epideemiana leviv toetuste ootamise mentaliteet suvendab inimestesse usku, et riik, tooandja voi perekond kannab nende eest hoolt.Rahaprobleeme ei saa lahendada rahaga, vaid ainult rahandusalase haridusega. Kaks meest, uks sonum: D. Trump ja R. Kiyosaki tahavad teile opetada, kuidas rikkaks saada. D. Trump'i kinnisvaraarendused on mainekad nii kodu- kui ka valismaal. Rahvusvahelise menuki „Rikas isa, vaene isa” autor R. Kiyosaki on investor, ettevotja ning koolitaja.

Gerald Ratner. The Rise and Fall...and Rise Again Gerald Ratner. The Rise and Fall...and Rise Again

Автор: Gerald Ratner

Год издания: 

In 1991 Gerald Ratner was booked to make what should have been an everyday speech at the Institute of Directors. Should have been. When the words «total crap» come out of his mouth in connection with a decanter and glasses set sold by his company, H. Samuel, it all turned out slightly different. The Rise and Fall…And Rise Again tells the full story, in Gerald Ratner's own words, of what lead him to that point at the IoD, the horror of what happened in the immediate aftermath, the fallout and the comeback. This is the fi rst time Gerald Ratner has given his side of the story. And what a story it is. You'll fi nd out: * How he wiped ?500m off the value of his own company virtually overnight * All the details about the initial gaffe and how he compounded it by remarking that some of the earrings were «cheaper than an M&S prawn sandwich but probably wouldn't last as long» * How «doing a Ratner» has entered into the vocabulary of British business * The wilderness years sitting glued to the sofa in front of Countdown * How he has bounced back, rediscovering his entrepreneurial spark by building up a health club business and, more recently, the immensely successful online jewellery retailer Geraldonline.com * The story's not over yet…

Kus sa ka poleks Kus sa ka poleks

Автор: Cara Walton

Год издания: 

Deborah pole oma ode nainud ajast, mil too mehele laks ja Toft-Warreni moisa elama asus. Parast isa surma asub ta aga Ida-Inglismaa tasandike poole teele, et Beatrice’i kulastada. Kuid jaamas ei ole tal kedagi vastas. Veelgi enam, ta kuuleb, et Toft-Warreni mois poles paar paeva tagasi maha ja ta ode hukkus tules. Kuid kas tegu oli ikka vaid onnetusjuhtumiga?

How to Win at Feminism: The Definitive Guide to Having It All... And Then Some! How to Win at Feminism: The Definitive Guide to Having It All... And Then Some!

Автор: Reductress

Год издания: 

’People say women can't be funny. WRONG… I love Reductress.’-Sam Bain, co-creator of Peep ShowThe definitive manual on how to be the best feminist you can be—as told by a hilariously misguided yet well-meaning women’s magazine. From the creators of the wildly popular satirical website, Reductress.From hot feminist sex to a trendy feminist up-do, the bold and brilliant minds behind Reductress reveal the secrets to being super progressive—and cool, hip, and pretty. Feminism today means demanding gender equality—and a fabulous manicure. After all, we’re not wearing girdles and cleaning the house anymore. We’re wearing Spanx and hiring a cleaning lady. That’s feminism!How to Win at Feminism defines what’s feminist and what isn’t, shows you how to take up space (but not too much space), identifies which clothes and products to be offended by, and offers funny insight, knowledge, tips, and advice every fourth-wave feminist needs, including:• How to Love Your Body Even Though Hers is Better• The 9 Circles of Hell for Women Who Don’t Help Other Women• Designer Handbags to Hold All Your Feminism• How to Apologize for Having it All• Finding Your Spirit Feminist• Rebranding Your Relationship Issues as Feminist IssuesWith this ultimate guide—complete with four-color illustrations—you can femsplain feminism to basic friends, and learn how to battle the patriarchy while maintaining a dependable moisturizing routine. We may have come a long way, baby, but we have a long way to go. How to Win at Feminism is the road map to get there!’Reductress has discovered a rich, deep seam of comedy.’-Graham Linehan, creator of Father Ted, Black Books and The IT Crowd

What Happens In Cornwall... What Happens In Cornwall...

Автор: T A Williams

Год издания: 

A heartwarming summer romance to whisk you off your feet. Perfect for fans of Fern Britton, Caroline Roberts and Debbie Johnson.For a very British summer holiday…When archaeologist Sam realises her relationship is as dead as the skeletons she’s exhuming, she knows it’s time to make a change. But with bills to pay her options are limited…until a discovery on Rock Island in Cornwall gives her a reason to escape…Head to the Cornish coast!In Cornwall, questions are thrown up at every turn: who is the glamorous owner of Rock Island that the paparazzi are so interested in? How has the irresistible, but impossibly arrogant, history professor James Courtney managed to get so far under Sam’s skin? And will it ever stop raining so Sam can lose the cagoule and sip a cool drink in the sun? One thing’s for sure: there’s never been a holiday quite like this one!Enjoy a summer of surprises and romance with What Happens in Cornwall… – the perfect retreat for fans of Fern Britton, Caroline Roberts and Debbie Johnson.Praise for T. A. Williams‘I loved this story! Sit back and enjoy page after page, fall in love with the characters and have your very own British holiday!’ - Chicks That Read‘Light-hearted, glorious escapism and What Happens in Cornwall… was no different.’ -Sophie (TOP 1000 REVIEWER) ‘T. A. Williams has that gorgeous way of writing a feel good story and something which will easily make you smile…he’s absolutely backed up that men can write chick-lit.’ - Reviewed The Book (TOP 1000 Amazon Reviewer)‘When Alice met Danny is maybe the first book in this genre I have read that is written by a man, and T. A. Williams has done a splendid job!’ - Rachale's Reads‘Great characters, a fun and enjoyable read that will leave you with a big smile on your face.’ - Jilllovestoread‘I had my doubts as to whether a 'bloke' would get it! Let's just say I don't have any longer – Trevor you nailed it.’ - Crooksonbooks