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Keturiu knygu serija apie Buchananu restoranu imperija. Ketvirta knyga. Gaivaus deserto karstai dienai paslaptis Trys salti ledu rutuliukai Triskart aistringai mylejusiai ir triskart nudegusiai Danei Buchanan reikia atsipusti. Dabar pats metas imtis ieskoti savo saknu, o tiksliau – tikrojo tevo. Saldziarugstis apelsinas Kas galejo pagalvoti, kad jis – vienas is kandidatu i prezidentus? Dukters nebuveles atsiradimas ne tik sukrecia jo seimos gyvenima, bet ir gali pridaryti zalos rinkiminei kampanijai. Taciau grazuoliukas Aleksas Kenfildas, Danes tevo isunis ir rinkimu kampanijos stabo vadovas, nieku gyvu neleis, kad taip nutiktu. Papuosimui – metos sakele Dane moka priimti issukius. To dar betruko, kad kazkoks vyriskis, net ir toks zavus kaip Aleksas, kistusi i jos asmenini gyvenima. O Aleksas irgi nepescias. Skanaus! Tik ne viska surikiuosi pagal taisykles – gyvenimas kupinas netiketumu.

Kaledine svajone Kaledine svajone

Автор: Шэрон Кендрик

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Kaledine dovana, kurios ji nepajegs atsisakyti… Milijardierius Nikolas da Kontis turi viska: pinigu, automobiliu, verslo imperija, bet vel isvydus zaviaja Alana Kolins pabunda savininkiskumas. Nikolas apsisprendzia: ja pasamdys, sugundys ir visiems laikams isbrauks is noru saraso! Dirbti su jausminguoju sicilieciu labai pavojinga – Alana puikiai tai supranta, bet butu kvaile, jei nepasinaudotu siuloma verslo galimybe. Taciau kai Nikolas imasi beatodairiskai ja gundyti, kyla rimta gresme susipainioti tarp verslo ir malonumu.

Tu – mano svajone. Antra knyga Tu – mano svajone. Antra knyga

Автор: Jessica Gilmore

Год издания: 

Dvieju knygu serija [b]Permainu metas.[/b] Antra knyga Graziausi dalykai gyvenime nutinka netiketai. Ivykus nelaimingam atsitikimui, Vilte Makenze tapo jaunesniosios sesers Feites globeja. Del jos ji padarytu viska! Kai Feite netiketai susiruosia teketi, Vilte pasiryzta surengti mylimai sesutei pasakiskas vestuves. Net jei teks taikstytis su nesukalbamo vyriausiojo pabrolio Geilo Okonoro inoriais! Zymus Niujorko menininkas Geilas isitikines, kad tikros meiles nera. Bet viena diena studijoje pasirodziusi zavi mergina privercia ji tuo suabejoti. Dailia isibrovele Geilas palaiko fotomodeliu. Is paziuros kukli, drovi, smulki mergina prikausto zinomo fotografo demesi. Geilas pasiulo sandori: jei Vilte sutiks pozuoti jam pries fotoobjektyva, jis pades suorganizuoti jos sesers vestuves. Lemtingas atsitiktinumas siek tiek pakeicia abieju planus. Ir greitai Geilui tenka susimastyti, ar ne sios dailios pamerges draugijos jis jau seniai trosko! Ankstesnis dvieju knygu serijos [b]Permainu metas.[/b] romanas: Jessica Gilmore. Musu meile tobula, 2019 m. vasaris (Medison Karter ir Kitas Bachananas) Is anglu kalbos verte Indre Kairyte

How to Land a Top-Paying Promoters Job: Your Complete Guide to Opportunities, Resumes and Cover Letters, Interviews, Salaries, Promotions, What to Expect From Recruiters and More How to Land a Top-Paying Promoters Job: Your Complete Guide to Opportunities, Resumes and Cover Letters, Interviews, Salaries, Promotions, What to Expect From Recruiters and More

Автор: Ramos Jimmy

Год издания: 

For the first time, a book exists that compiles all the information candidates need to apply for their first Promoters job, or to apply for a better job. <p> What you'll find especially helpful are the worksheets. It is so much easier to write about a work experience using these outlines. It ensures that the narrative will follow a logical structure and reminds you not to leave out the most important points. With this book, you'll be able to revise your application into a much stronger document, be much better prepared and a step ahead for the next opportunity. <p> The book comes filled with useful cheat sheets. It helps you get your career organized in a tidy, presentable fashion. It also will inspire you to produce some attention-grabbing cover letters that convey your skills persuasively and attractively in your application packets. <p> After studying it, too, you'll be prepared for interviews, or you will be after you conducted the practice sessions where someone sits and asks you potential questions. It makes you think on your feet! <p> This book makes a world of difference in helping you stay away from vague and long-winded answers and you will be finally able to connect with prospective employers, including the one that will actually hire you. <p> This book successfully challenges conventional job search wisdom and doesn't load you with useful but obvious suggestions ('don't forget to wear a nice suit to your interview,' for example). Instead, it deliberately challenges conventional job search wisdom, and in so doing, offers radical but inspired suggestions for success. <p> Think that 'companies approach hiring with common sense, logic, and good business acumen and consistency?' Think that 'the most qualified candidate gets the job?' Think again! Time and again it is proven that finding a job is a highly subjective business filled with innumerable variables. The triumphant jobseeker is the one who not only recognizes these inconsistencies and but also uses them to his advantage. Not sure how to do this? Don't worry-How to Land a Top-Paying Promoters Job guides the way. <p> Highly recommended to any harried Promoters jobseeker, whether you want to work for the government or a company. You'll plan on using it again in your efforts to move up in the world for an even better position down the road. <p> This book offers excellent, insightful advice for everyone from entry-level to senior professionals. None of the other such career guides compare with this one. It stands out because it: 1) explains how the people doing the hiring think, so that you can win them over on paper and then in your interview; 2) has an engaging, reader-friendly style; 3) explains every step of the job-hunting process – from little-known ways for finding openings to getting ahead on the job. <p> This book covers everything. Whether you are trying to get your first Promoters Job or move up in the system, get this book.