Конечно, можно было бы сказать, что это – история про Нострадамуса. Не про зрелого Нострадамуса-предсказателя, а про молодого Нострадамуса-врача, который мог бы не совершить за всю свою жизнь ни единого прогноза, и всё равно войти в историю как великий врачеватель, спасавший от чумы Экс-ан-Прованс. Конечно, можно было бы сказать, что это – история про мор и чуму. Но гораздо важнее то, что это – история о людях, их добродетелях и пороках, наиболее ярко проявляющихся в кризисные моменты истории.
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Bank 3.0. Why Banking Is No Longer Somewhere You Go But Something You Do
Автор: Brett King
Год издания:
The first edition of BANK 2.0—#1 on Amazon's bestseller list for banking and finance in the US, UK, Germany, France, and Japan for over 18 months—took the financial world by storm and became synonymous with disruptive customer behaviour, technology shift, and new banking models. In BANK 3.0, Brett King brings the story up to date with the latest trends redefining financial services and payments—from the global scramble for dominance of the mobile wallet and the expectations created by tablet computing to the operationalising of the cloud, the explosion of social media, and the rise of the de-banked consumer, who doesn't need a bank at all. BANK 3.0 shows that the gap between customers and financial services players is rapidly widening, leaving massive opportunities for new, non-bank competitors to totally disrupt the industry. «On the Web and on Mobile, the customer isn't king—he's dictator. Highly impatient, skeptical, cynical. Brett King understands deeply what drives this new hard-nosed customer. Banking professionals would do well to heed his advice.» —Gerry McGovern, author of Killer Web Content
Life Markets. Trading Mortality and Longevity Risk with Life Settlements and Linked Securities
Автор: Vishaal Bhuyan B.
Год издания:
A complete guide to longevity finance As the Baby Boomer population continues to age and the need for the securitization of life insurance policies increases, more financial institutions are looking towards longevity trading as a solution. Consequently, there is now a need for innovative financial products and strategies that have the ability to hedge longevity exposure for pension funds, reinsurance companies, and governments. These products and strategies are currently being developed with the use of life settlements. Here, author Vishaal Bhuyan provides a complete guide to this burgeoning sector. In Life Markets, Bhuyan and a team of expert contributors from leading firms offer an extensive look at how to trade life settlements. Provides practical guidance to the growing field of longevity finance Outlines the innovative financial products that are populating this field Highlights a safe haven for investors seeking returns in troubled times Covering everything from the history of life settlements to making a transaction-pricing, service providers, exchanges, and more-this book contains extensive coverage of the many issues surrounding longevity finance.
Livable Communities for Aging Populations. Urban Design for Longevity
Автор: M. Ball Scott
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An innovative look at design solutions for building lifelong neighborhoods Livable Communities for Aging Populations provides architects and designers with critical guidance on urban planning and building design that allows people to age in their own homes and communities. The focus is on lifelong neighborhoods, where healthcare and accessibility needs of residents can be met throughout their entire life cycle. Written by M. Scott Ball, a Duany Plater-Zyberk architect with extensive expertise in designing for an aging society, this important work explores the full range of factors involved in designing for an aging population—from social, economic, and public health policies to land use, business models, and built form. Ball examines in detail a number of case studies of communities that have implemented lifelong solutions, discussing how to apply these best practices to communities large and small, new and existing, urban and rural. Other topics include: How healthcare and disability can be integrated into an urban environment as a lifelong function The need for partnership between healthcare providers, community support services, and real-estate developers How to handle project financing and take advantage of lessons learned in the senior housing industry The role of transportation, access, connectivity, and building diversity in the success of lifelong neighborhoods Architects, urban planners, urban designers, and developers will find Livable Communities for Aging Populations both instructive and inspiring. The book also includes a wealth of pertinent information for public health officials working on policy issues for aging populations.
Life Settlements and Longevity Structures
Автор: Jim Aspinwall
Год издания:
Recent turbulence in the financial markets has highlighted the need for diversified portfolios with lower correlations between the different investments. Life settlements meet this need, offering investors the prospect of high, stable returns, uncorrelated with the broader financial markets. This book provides readers of all levels of experience with essential information on the process surrounding the acquisition and management of a portfolio of life settlements; the assessment, modelling and mitigation of the associated longevity, interest rate and credit risks; and practical approaches to financing and risk management structures. It begins with the history of life insurance and looks at how the need for new financing sources has led to the growth of the life settlements market in the United States. The authors provide a detailed exploration of the mathematical formulae surrounding the generation of mortality curves, drawing a parallel between the tools deployed in the credit derivatives market and those available to model longevity risk. Structured products and securitisation techniques are introduced and explained, starting with simple vanilla products and models before illustrating some of the investment structures associated with life settlements. Capital market mechanisms available to assist the investor in limiting the risks associated with life settlement portfolios are outlined, as are opportunities to use life settlement portfolios to mitigate the risks of traditional capital markets. The last section of the book covers derivative products, either available now or under consideration, that will reduce or potentially eliminate longevity risks within life settlement portfolios. It then reviews hedging and risk management strategies and considers how to measure the effectiveness of risk mitigation.
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