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Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Carbuncle. The Problem of Thor Bridge Sherlock Holmes: The Blue Carbuncle. The Problem of Thor Bridge

Автор: Артур Конан Дойл

Год издания: 

Аудиокнига предназначена для развития навыков аудирования и чтения и адресована учащимся 7–8 классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев, гимназий, студентам колледжей и неязыковых вузов, а также лицам, изучающим английский язык самостоятельно или под руководством преподавателя (базовый словарь около 1400 слов). Рассказы Артура Конан Дойля о знаменитом сыщике Шерлоке Холмсе – «Голубой карбункул» и «Загадка Торского моста» – адаптированы и прочитаны носителем языка. Аудиокнига содержит также информацию о творчестве писателя (материалы для топика), словарь к каждой части, вопросы и задания, позволяющие контролировать понимание содержания и развивать навыки устной речи. Наряду с фонограммой на диске имеются тексты рассказов, которые могут быть использованы для облегчения восприятия аудиозаписи.

A Vow of Glory A Vow of Glory

Автор: Морган Райс

Год издания: 

In A VOW OF GLORY (Book #5 in the Sorcerer's Ring), Thor embarks with his Legion friends on an epic quest into the vast wilds of the Empire to try to find the ancient Destiny Sword and save the Ring. Thor’s friendships deepen, as they journey to new places, face unexpected monsters and fight side by side in unimaginable battle. They encounter exotic lands, creatures and peoples beyond which they could have ever imagined, each step of their journey fraught with increasing danger. They will have to summon all their skills if they are to survive as they follow the trail of the thieves, deeper and deeper into the Empire. Their quest will bring them all the way into the heart of the Underworld, one of the seven realms of hell, where the undead rule and fields are lined with bones. As Thor must summon his powers, more than ever, he struggles to understand the nature of who he is. Back in the Ring, Gwendolyn must lead half of King’s Court to the Western stronghold of Silesia, an ancient city perched on the edge of the Canyon that has stood for one thousand years. Silesia’s fortifications have allowed it to survive every attack throughout every century – but it has never been faced with an assault by a leader like Andronicus, by an army like his million men. Gwendolyn learns what it means to be queen as she takes on a leadership role, Srog, Kolk, Brom, Steffen, Kendrick and Godfrey by her side, preparing to defend the city for the massive war to come. Meanwhile, Gareth is descending deeper into madness, trying to fend off a coup that would have him assassinated in King’s Court, while Erec fights for his life to save his love, Alistair and the Duke’s city of Savaria as the downed shield enables the wild creatures to invade. And Godfrey, wallowing in drink, will have to decide if he is ready to cast off his past and become the man his family expects him to be. As they all fight for their lives and as things seem as if they can’t get any worse, the story ends with two shocking twists. Will Gwendolyn survive the assault? Will Thor survive the Empire? Will the Destiny Sword be found? With its sophisticated world-building and characterization, A VOW OF GLORY is an epic tale of friends and lovers, of rivals and suitors, of knights and dragons, of intrigues and political machinations, of coming of age, of broken hearts, of deception, ambition and betrayal. It is a tale of honor and courage, of fate and destiny, of sorcery. It is a fantasy that brings us into a world we will never forget, and which will appeal to all ages and genders. It is 75,000 words.

How To Build A Winning Team. Serving God Together How To Build A Winning Team. Serving God Together

Автор: Маттс-Ола Исхоел

Год издания: 

The book you hold in your hands is the result of the wisdom and experience gained from almost thirty years of ministry. It can be used for individual and group study and as educational material for team development. "Whatever we are called to do, we are called to do it together with other people. No one serves God alone." His church is a body composed of different members, and teamwork is built into the very essence of the church. Leaders focused on the development of a team will achieve much more than those who work alone. Wisdom will increase and gifts and talents will be revealed when people with different characters serve God in unity. This book will help you understand the dynamics of building a team and inspire you to focus more on team development, regardless of whether or not you are a leader today.

Serving leaders Serving leaders

Автор: Ken Jennings

Год издания: 

* The second book in The Ken Blanchard Series-selected and with a foreword by Ken Blanchard * A unique and practical "action approach" to servant leadership-a popular and widely espoused concept that figures prominently in the writings of Ken Blanchard, Peter Senge, Stephen Covey, Peter Block, and many others * Uses a compelling story format with highly sympathetic characters to make servant leadership accessible to a wide audience At a time of increasing concern about ethics at the top, The Serving Leader makes the case for an approach to leadership that is both more moral and more effective than the ruthless, anything-for-the-bottom-line approach that has brought disgrace-and often ruin-to many once-mighty organizations. "Serving leaders" lead by serving others, not by using them. As one of the characters in the book notes, "A leader qualifies to be first by putting other people first." It sounds paradoxical, but it works-and The Serving Leader shows precisely how and why. While The Serving Leader uses a parable to outline the basics of servant leadership, all the people in it are based on real people, the organizations depicted are based on real organizations-and the results they achieved are what really happened. Ken Jennings and John Stahl-Wert use an engaging and moving story about an estranged son, his dying father, and a remarkable group of innovative leaders in business, volunteer organizations, and civic groups to illustrate five pragmatic principles of servant leadership. On one level The Serving Leader is the most practical guide available to implementing servant leadership; on a deeper level, it is a book about the personal journey of growth that real leadership requires.

Uncle's Dream; and The Permanent Husband Uncle's Dream; and The Permanent Husband

Автор: Федор Достоевский

Год издания: