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The Tiger-Slayer: A Tale of the Indian Desert The Tiger-Slayer: A Tale of the Indian Desert

Автор: Gustave Aimard

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The Tiger Hunter The Tiger Hunter

Автор: Майн Рид

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Blasen. Blutiger Sex Blasen. Blutiger Sex

Автор: Виталий Мушкин

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Der Hauptheld der Geschichte, ein Kunstler aus Moskau, geht in die Region Twer, um ein Haus im Dorf zu kaufen. Die Besitzer des Hauses, ein junges Madchen und ihre Mutter, uberreden den Moskauer, einige Tage bei ihnen zu bleiben. In der ersten Nacht klettert eine Frau unter der Decke auf den Kunstler zu. In der zweiten Nacht paart er sich mit ihr, wei? aber auch nicht, wer es ist. Alles wird in der dritten Nacht entschieden, als alle drei eine echte Orgie im Bad arrangieren.

Through the Eyes of Tiger Cubs. Views of Asia's Next Generation Through the Eyes of Tiger Cubs. Views of Asia's Next Generation

Автор: Janet Pau

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What will Asia look like ten years from now? Find out by taking a look through the eyes of the Asia's next generation of leaders Following economic booms in Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan—the four Asian Tigers—attention has shifted to success stories in other Asian economies. However, a number of challenges have also emerged that could threaten the region's development over the next decade. Through the Eyes of Tiger Cubs offers a unique glimpse into the younger generation's view of Asia's future. It draws on the perspective of more than 80 visionary young Asians, who have identified the key issues and who see innovative solutions for areas as diverse as education and labor markets, demographics and healthcare, energy and the environment, and governance and geopolitics. The book's insights are based on a collection of think-pieces from a broad range of young Asians—the result of a competition organized by the Asia Business Council, Time magazine, the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, as well as additional research by the Council. The book is unique in that it: Provides a viewpoint in contrast to the usual perspective of businesses, governments, economists, and journalists Brings together the responses of almost a hundred young Asian thinkers to the questions «What is the biggest challenge facing Asia over the next ten years?» «Why?» and «What should be done about it?» Offers policy makers, business leaders, and others who are concerned about the future of Asia a unique glimpse into the younger generation's vision The next generation has a high stake in ensuring Asia's long-term growth. Gain a unique perspective on how the leaders of tomorrow see the future.

Mac OS X Tiger All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies Mac OS X Tiger All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies

Автор: Mark Chambers L.

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Mac OS X Tiger is the sum of its parts, and there are a lot of them. What could be easier than to have a handy minibook covering each one, ready to answer your every question? If you’re venturing into the Mac world for the first time, you’ve chosen a great time to make the move. And if you’re switching to Tiger from an earlier Mac OS, you’ll be eager to get going as quickly as possible. Either way, you’ll love the convenience of Mac OS X Tiger All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies. You’ll find sections devoted to Basic Mac OS X Customizing and sharing your Mac Mac’s digital hub—iTunes, iMovie, iPhoto, iDVD, QuickTime, and GarageBand The Internet (AppleMail, iChat AV, iDisk, and more) Networking, including Bluetooth, AppleTalk, and Airport Extreme Expanding your system with cool hardware and software Some advanced stuff, like hosting a Web site and building custom applications Each self-contained chapter discusses a specific feature, application, connection, or cool thing about Mac OS X. You can start at the beginning, or dive right into the things you most want to explore. For example, you can Discover how to find anything, anywhere on your system, with Spotlight Set up a wireless network Use iDisk to back up your important files Edit or create your own DVDs, CDs, and movies Keep in touch with others through the cool iChat AV application Get step-by-step instructions that make using OS X Tiger as much fun—and as productive—as it’s meant to be Because everything’s handy and neatly organized, you’ll find Mac OS X Tiger All-In-One Desk Reference For Dummies is the reference book you’ll want to keep right next to your Mac. You’ll refer to it many times over, and be glad you did!