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The Country Beyond. A Romance of the Wilderness. В дебрях Севера. Романтическая история сурового края The Country Beyond. A Romance of the Wilderness. В дебрях Севера. Романтическая история сурового края

Автор: Джеймс Оливер Кервуд

Год издания: 

Главный герой – мужественный и честный человек, Роджер Маккей, – встав на защиту индейцев, был вынужден нарушить закон. Скрываясь от полиции Канады, он поселяется в глухом уголке страны, где встречает свою любовь. Однако преследования стражей порядка заставляют влюблённых расстаться. Маккей и его верный пёс Питер отправляются в долгое, полное опасностей путешествие на Север, навстречу своей судьбе… Текст сокращён и адаптирован. Уровень Intermediate.

How To Build A Winning Team. Serving God Together How To Build A Winning Team. Serving God Together

Автор: Маттс-Ола Исхоел

Год издания: 

The book you hold in your hands is the result of the wisdom and experience gained from almost thirty years of ministry. It can be used for individual and group study and as educational material for team development. "Whatever we are called to do, we are called to do it together with other people. No one serves God alone." His church is a body composed of different members, and teamwork is built into the very essence of the church. Leaders focused on the development of a team will achieve much more than those who work alone. Wisdom will increase and gifts and talents will be revealed when people with different characters serve God in unity. This book will help you understand the dynamics of building a team and inspire you to focus more on team development, regardless of whether or not you are a leader today.

Away in the Wilderness Away in the Wilderness

Автор: Robert Michael Ballantyne

Год издания: 

Dave Darrin on the Asiatic Station. Or, Winning Lieutenants' Commissions on the Admiral's Flagship Dave Darrin on the Asiatic Station. Or, Winning Lieutenants' Commissions on the Admiral's Flagship

Автор: Hancock Harrie Irving

Год издания: 

Bobby Blake at Rockledge School: or, Winning the Medal of Honor Bobby Blake at Rockledge School: or, Winning the Medal of Honor

Автор: Warner Frank A.

Год издания: