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Автор: Борис Романов
Год издания:
False myths and unknown true. Biography Rasputin described in detail in hundreds of books and articles. The author of this brochure was not intended to write another detailed biography. Several little-known and most controversial topics accentuated here.
Physics at the Terascale
Автор: Brock Ian
Год издания:
Written by authors working at the forefront of research, this accessible treatment presents the current status of the field of collider-based particle physics at the highest energies available, as well as recent results and experimental techniques. It is clearly divided into three sections; The first covers the physics – discussing the various aspects of the Standard Model as well as its extensions, explaining important experimental results and highlighting the expectations from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The second is dedicated to the involved technologies and detector concepts, and the third covers the important – but often neglected – topics of the organisation and financing of high-energy physics research. A useful resource for students and researchers from high-energy physics.
The Assumption of the Rogues & Rascals
Автор: Elizabeth Smart
Год издания:
First published in 1978, and widely considered to be the sequel to her masterpiece ‘By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept’, this remarkable book further established Smart’s reputation as a brave and inspirational writer.A still beautiful woman, 31 years old with four children by a faithless lover, cannot break the habit of expectation. She must learn to submit to the cold, bare, unglamorous tenets of reality – the untenable position of love. She must learn to deflect Grand Passion into an acceptance of the rogues and rascals with their radiant faces, who buy her a bitter with borrowed cash. Out of a passionate youth, through pain and harsh revelation, she has attained a maturity – a certain knowledge that the cost of rapture is high and that there is no looking back.Hers is a voice that distils a woman’s determination for survival – a voice that rises up from everyday life, from the bus queue, the Underground, the pub – and in Elizabeth Smart’s hand is wrought into something magnificent.
Rasputin. Usk, voim ja Romanovite langus
Автор: Douglas Smith
Год издания:
Rasputini surma 100. aastapaeval ilmus uksikasjalik elulugu, mis muudab murranguliselt meie arusaama sellest lummavast isiksusest.Sada aastat parast tema morvamist erutab Rasputin jatkuvalt kujutlusvoimet kui kurjuse kehastus. Arvukad biograafiad, romaanid ja filmid raagivad tema moistatuslikust tousust voimu juurde Nikolai ja Aleksandra usaldusaluse ja Venemaa haige trooniparija kaitsjana. Tema liiderlikkus ja pahaendeline poliitiline moju olid legendaarsed ja Romanovite dunastia langus pandi tema arvele.Kuid nagu auhinnatud ajaloolane Douglas Smith naitab, on toeline lugu Rasputini elust ja surmast jaanud muuti mahkunuks. Tahelepanuvaarne uus uurimus, mis uhendab sugava eruditsiooni mojuva jutustamisoskusega, eraldab fakti valjamoeldisest, et tuua valja uhe ajaloo koige intrigeerivama kuju tegelik elu. Toetudes ohtratele unustatud dokumentidele seitsme riigi arhiivides, esitab Smith Rasputini kogu tema keerukuses – jumalamees, rahu eestkoneleja, lojaalne alam, abielurikkuja, joodik. „Rasputin” ei ole pelgalt erakordse ja nimeka mehe uksikasjalik biograafia, vaid ka kaasahaarav kirjeldus katastroofi suunas vankuva keiserliku Venemaa loojangust.
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