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A new and comprehensive dictionary of correspondences, representatives, and significatives, contained in the Word of the Lord
Автор: Emanuel Swedenborg
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «A new and comprehensive dictionary of correspondences, representatives, and significatives, contained in the Word of the Lord : arranged under distinct heads, with proper references. Including a full explanation of each article, or subject, with the reason, cause, and ground of its signification. The whole being an infallible key to the internal sense of the Holy Word, and an universal system of evangelical theology / faithfully extracted from all the theological works of the Hon. Emanuel Swedenborg ; with an introductory preface by George Nicholson».
Cost-Contained Regulatory Compliance. For the Pharmaceutical, Biologics, and Medical Device Industries
Автор: Sandy Weinberg
Год издания:
This book guides the reader through FDA regulation guidelines and outlines a comprehensive strategy for cost reduction in regulatory affairs and compliance. This book explains six strategies to cost-effectively comply with FDA regulations while maintaining product safety and improving public access through cost controls. It provides useful and practical guidance through industry case studies from pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device industries.
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