PHP5 and MySQL Bible
Автор: Tim Converse, Joyce Park, Clark Morgan
Год издания:
Although we’re biased, we believe that the PHP Web-scripting language is the hands-down winner
in its niche—by far the easiest and most flexible server-side tool for getting great Web
sites up and running in a hurry. Although millions of Web programmers worldwide could be
wrong, in this particular case, they’re not. MySQL is the most popular open-source database
platform, and it is the first choice of many for creating database-backed PHP-driven Web sites
As we write this, PHP5 is in its third beta version, and PHP has continued to grow in reach,
adoption, and features since we wrote the first two versions of this book.
Автор: Mridula Parihar, Essam Ahmed, Jim Chandler, Bill Hatfield, Rick Lassan, Peter MacIntyre, Dave Wanta
Год издания:
Learn the ins and outs of ASP.NET using Visual Basic and C# with this comprehesive reference
Pour et contre la Bible
Автор: Pierre Sylvain Marechal
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Pour et contre la Bible / par Sylvain M ***».
Solomon Kane’i lood
Автор: Robert Ervin Howard
Год издания:
Solomon Kane’i lood on pigem ouduslood kui kangelasfantaasiad ning kirjaniku eluajal ilmus seitse juttu sellest sarjast. Ka voib Solomon Kanei pidada autori enim onnestunud kangelaseks Conani jarel.