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Karmavolad. Kolm ajastut. Kolm inimest. Kolm elu Karmavolad. Kolm ajastut. Kolm inimest. Kolm elu

Автор: Inga Raitar

Год издания: 

Pealtnaha on need kolm erinevat lugu. Uks toimub Tiibeti kloostris. Teine suure naljahada aegsel Iirimaal. Kolmas kuskil siinsamas, mitte eriti ammu. Igas loos on kolm osalist, kes otsivad vastust kusimusele, mis siis tegelikult on armastus ning kust ja mis eesmargil ta meie ellu tuleb. Miks vahel on tunne, et oled inimest, kellega just lahedaseks said, tundnud juba terve igaviku?
Iris, noor edukas naine, kohtab lennukis meest, kes pole kaugeltki “tema tuup” kuid kellega ometi tekib kogu naise senist elu pea peale poorav armulugu. Imekaunis moisaharra sohilaps Ireen armub vaesesse perepoega suvel, mis saab saatuslikuks tervele kulale ning hukatuslikuks talle endale. Noor munk Ikaro on tunnistajaks parima sobra rapasele saladusele ning peab valima, kas reeta koik, mida ta puhaks peab voi tunnistada endale, mida ta tegelikult ihaldab. Miks sekkub meie ellu saatuslik karma ja kaugele selle loimed ulatuda voivad?
“Karmavolad” on uhtaegu romantiline armastuslugu ja samas ka ponev fantaasia inimsuhete taga kulgevate salaparaste saatuseniitide teemal.

The Karma Booth The Karma Booth

Автор: Jeff Pearce

Год издания: 

They say that executing a murderer won't bring your loved one back. But now it can.Scientists have developed a new technology that has terrifying repercussions. The Karma Booth can execute a murderer and return their victims to life. But at what cost?Ethics consultant Timothy Cale is hired by the US government to investigate this earth-shattering breakthrough and makes a startling discovery. The returned victims possess disturbing abilities.When notorious war criminal Viktor Limonov escapes from a Karma Booth execution unharmed, it’s up to Cale to stop him before he murders every returned victim across the globe.

The Reincarnationist The Reincarnationist

Автор: M. Rose J.

Год издания: 

A bomb in Rome, a flash of bluish-white light, and photojournalist Josh Ryder's world exploded. From that instant nothing would ever be the same.As Josh recovers, his mind is increasingly invaded with thoughts that have the emotion, the intensity, the intimacy of memories. But they are not his memories. They are ancient– and violent. A battery of medical and psychological tests can't explain Josh's baffling symptoms.And the memories have an urgency he can't ignore– pulling him to save a woman named Sabina– and the treasures she is protecting. But who is Sabina? Desperate for answers, Josh turns to the world-renowned Phoenix Foundation– a research facility that scientifically documents cases of past life experiences.His findings there lead him to an archaeological dig and to Professor Gabriella Chase, who has discovered an ancient tomb– a tomb with a powerful secret that threatens to merge the past with the present. Here, the dead call out to the living, and murders of the past become murders of the present.

O pokarmach O pokarmach

Автор: Jedrzej Sniadecki

Год издания: 

Hrabia Tom I Karmannyj wor Hrabia Tom I Karmannyj wor

Автор: Robert Galka

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