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Lada / VAZ 2108 / 2109 / VAZ 21099 (including Ukrainian assembly model), book repair in eBook
Автор: Монолит
Год издания:
Actions in emergency situations
- Wheel replacement
- Engine overheating actions
- Starting the engine from an additional power source
- Fuses
- Emergency pressure drop in the engine lubrication system
- Turning on the battery alarm indicator
- Enabling the engine malfunction indicator
- Enabling the brake / parking brake warning light
Daily checks and troubleshooting
Operation and maintenance manual
- Technical information
- Controls, dashboard and interior equipment
- Caring for a car
- Car maintenance
- Fuels and lubricants
Precautions and safety rules when working on a car
Basic tools, measuring instruments and methods of working with them
- Basic set of necessary tools
- Methods of working with measuring devices
The engine and its systems
- General information
- Engine service without removing from the car
- Disassembly and assembly of the engine
- Ignition and engine management system
- Power system
- Lubrication system
- Cooling system
- Inlet and exhaust system
- Appendix to chapter
- General information
- Clutch
- Transmission
- Drive shafts
- Appendix to chapter
- General information
- Front suspension
- Rear suspension
- General information
- Steering wheel
- Steering gear
- Steering links
Brake system
- General information
- Car service
- Front wheel brakes
- Rear wheel brakes
- Parking brake
- General information
- Front bumper
- Rear bumper
- Front wing
- The hood
- Front door
- Back door
- Outside rear view mirror
- Body dimensions
Electrical equipment of a car
- General information
- Generator
- Starter
- Ignition switch
Trouble codes
- Controller JANUARY-4
- GM Controller (IFSI-2S, ITMS-6F)
- OBDII protocol controllers
Explanatory dictionary
Ukrainian dream. «Последний заговор»
Автор: Василь Зима
Год издания:
Радіоведучий Марк Лютий, головний герой роману Василя Зими «Ukrainian dream. Последний заговор» працює в своє задоволення і готується до весілля з донькою олігарха. Та раптом до нього потрапляє вбивчий компромат на відомих політиків і він має обирати: піти на компроміс з власним сумлінням чи узятися за справу, ризикуючи втратити все, навіть власне життя. Долі героїв переплітаються, події, наче в калейдоскопі, змінюють одна одну. Хто переможе, а хто загине – відповіді у романі.
The Curious Republic of Gondour and Other Whimsical Sketches
Автор: Марк Твен
Год издания:
As the title reveals, these stories are a collection of some of Mark Twain's more fanciful and eccentric works. They run the gamut from political commentary to our species' need to "be remembered" somehow. Taken as a whole the stories are "whimsical". Taken individually, they speak the truth in different ways.
Two treatises of government
Автор: John Locke
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Two treatises of government in the former, the false principles and foundation of sir Robert Filmer, and his followers, are detected and overthrown the latter is an essay concerning the true original, extent, and end of civil government / By John Locke».
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