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Sermo de fine scopoque prudentissimarum constitutionum, ...
Автор: Самуил (Семен Григорьевич Миславский)
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Sermo de fine scopoque prudentissimarum constitutionum, quas piissima augustissimaque domina imperatrix, Catharina Alexiewna, autocrator totius Rossiae condidit in lucemque edidit, dirigendi gratia administrandique, quot quot sunt in Imperio Rossiaco, praefecturas, habitus ea occasione, cum in urbe Jaroslavia aperiretur nova, juxta praescriptam constitutionum formam, praefectura, in primaria eiusdem urbis ecclesia, memoriae... dei Matris sacra, sanctissimae ac rem ecclesiasticam moderantis Synodi socio comiteque, Samuele archiepiscopo Rostoviensi et Jaroslaviensi anno 1777 Decembris 4 die, e Rossica lingua in Latinam conversus, editus typis sanctissimae Synodi patria lingua Petropoli, Latine vero impressus».
The constitution of England
Автор: Jean de Lolme
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «The constitution of England, or An account of the English government, in which it is compared both with the republican form of government, and the other monarchies in Europe / By J. L. De Lolme».
A reply to two pamphlets, entitled «Illustrations of the Portuguese question, by a Portuguese lawyer,» and «The last days of the Portuguese Constitution, by Lord Porchester»
Автор: William Walton
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «A reply to two pamphlets, entitled „Illustrations of the Portuguese question, by a Portuguese lawyer,“ and „The last days of the Portuguese Constitution, by Lord Porchester“ / by an Engl. civilian».
The commentaries of Sir William Blackstone, Knt. on the laws and constitution of England
Автор: William Blackstone
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «The commentaries of Sir William Blackstone, Knt. on the laws and constitution of England: carefully abridged, in a new manner, and continued down to the present time: with notes, corrective and explanatory by William Curry».
Essai, sur la constitution geognostique des Pyrenees
Автор: Jean de Charpentier
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Essai sur la constitution geognostique des Pyrenees : ouvrage couronne par l'institut Royal de France : avec une planche et une carte geognostique des Pyrenees / par J. de Charpentier».
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