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Ex oriente lux! Ориентация по странам света в архаических культурах Евразии
Автор: А. В. Подосинов
Год издания:
Книга посвящена мало изученной в мировой историографии проблеме – как ориентировался в пространстве человек в архаических культурах, какое значение в этой ориентации имели особенности строения его тела, устройство Земли и движение небесных светил, в первую очередь Солнца и Луны, как устанавливались астрономические ориентиры стран света, какую роль играла ориентация по странам света в сакральной и профанной жизни общества (ориентация городов, храмов, дворцов, жилищ, погребений, культовых действий, географических карт и т. д.) Исследование проведено на материале практически всех архаических культур Евразии – от Китая до Рима и от древних кельтов до монголов – с использованием всех видов источников: лингвистических, литературных, археологических, иконографических, этнографических и др. Антропологический взгляд на природу пространственной ориентации человека позволяет выявить универсальные категории в постижении пространства и вплотную подойти к пониманию наиболее общих архетипов сознания homo sapiens.
Episodios Nacionales: El Grande Oriente
Автор: Benito Perez Galdos
Год издания:
Beginning Java Programming. The Object-Oriented Approach
Автор: Bart Baesens
Год издания:
A comprehensive Java guide, with samples, exercises, case studies, and step-by-step instruction Beginning Java Programming: The Object Oriented Approach is a straightforward resource for getting started with one of the world's most enduringly popular programming languages. Based on classes taught by the authors, the book starts with the basics and gradually builds into more advanced concepts. The approach utilizes an integrated development environment that allows readers to immediately apply what they learn, and includes step-by-step instruction with plenty of sample programs. Each chapter contains exercises based on real-world business and educational scenarios, and the final chapter uses case studies to combine several concepts and put readers' new skills to the test. Beginning Java Programming: The Object Oriented Approach provides both the information and the tools beginners need to develop Java skills, from the general concepts of object-oriented programming. Learn to: Understand the Java language and object-oriented concept implementation Use Java to access and manipulate external data Make applications accessible to users with GUIs Streamline workflow with object-oriented patterns The book is geared for those who want to use Java in an applied environment while learning at the same time. Useful as either a course text or a stand-alone self-study program, Beginning Java Programming is a thorough, comprehensive guide.
SOA Modeling Patterns for Service Oriented Discovery and Analysis
Автор: Michael Bell
Год издания:
Learn the essential tools for developing a sound service-oriented architecture SOA Modeling Patterns for Service-Oriented Discovery and Analysis introduces a universal, easy-to-use, and nimble SOA modeling language to facilitate the service identification and examination life cycle stage. This business and technological vocabulary will benefit your service development endeavors and foster organizational software asset reuse and consolidation, and reduction of expenditure. Whether you are a developer, business architect, technical architect, modeler, business analyst, team leader, or manager, this essential guide-introducing an elaborate set of more than 100 patterns and anti-patterns-will help you successfully discover and analyze services, and model a superior solution for your project,. Explores how to discover services Explains how to analyze services for construction and production How to assess service feasibility for deployment How to employ the SOA modeling language during the service identification and examination process How to utilize the SOA modeling patterns and anti-patterns for service discovery and analysis Focusing on the Service-Oriented Discovery and Analysis Life Cycle Stage, this book will help you acquire a broad SOA Modeling knowledge base and leverage that to increase efficiency and productivity in the workplace.
Hedge Fund Modelling and Analysis. An Object Oriented Approach Using C++
Автор: David Hampton
Год издания:
Use powerful C++ algorithms and Object Oriented Programming (OOP) to aid in hedge fund decision making Low interest rates, overcrowded markets and greater regulatory oversight are just some of the many reasons it is close to impossible for hedge funds to draw competitive returns. The solution for many hedge fund managers, quantitative investment analysts and risk managers is to adopt new technologies, platforms and programming languages to better manage their risks and maximise the benefits of their return profiles. Hedge Fund Modelling and Analysis is a full course in the latest analytic strategies for hedge fund investing, complete with a one-of-a-kind primer on both C++ and object oriented programming (OOP). Covering both basic and risk-adjusted performance measures, this practitioner's guide enables you to manage risk easily and make the most of key statistics with simple and advanced analysis techniques. This highly anticipated third book in the widely used Hedge Fund Modelling and Analysis series is the only guide available for applying the powerful C++ language to revolutionise hedge fund trading. Even if you've never worked with code before, the focused overview of C++ gives you everything you need to navigate the technical aspects of object oriented programming, which enables you to build sophisticated analysis programs from small units of reusable code. This book is your breakthrough introduction to winning with hedge funds in the new reality of trading. Jumpstart your new approach to beating the markets with: All the guidance and hands-on support you need to use quantitative strategies to optimise hedge fund decision-making. Illustrative modelling exercises and worked-out problems demonstrating what to expect when assessing risk and return factors in the real world. A companion website offering additional C++ programs, algorithms and data to download. Make reading Hedge Fund Modelling and Analysis your new routine and gain all the insight and relevant information you need to beat the markets.
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