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Invisible (Невидимый). Фантастический рассказ Invisible (Невидимый). Фантастический рассказ

Автор: Альберт Громов

Год издания: 

У главного героя рассказа Рихарда Мюллера было все, что принято в современном обществе. Красивая жена, работа, здоровье, материальные блага. После трагического случая его жизнь кардинально изменилась. Находясь, продолжительное время в состоянии комы, Рихард оказался в реальном мире, но лишенный воспоминаний о прошлом. Невидимый для окружающих, он заново учился познавать себя через силы природы, пока не попадает под воздействие посторонних сил, возвративших его обратно в тело.

Invisible Links Invisible Links

Автор: Lagerlof Selma

Год издания: 

God, the Invisible King God, the Invisible King

Автор: Герберт Уэллс

Год издания: 

Matchmoving. The Invisible Art of Camera Tracking Matchmoving. The Invisible Art of Camera Tracking

Автор: Tim Dobbert

Год издания: 

Get your foot in the studio door by learning the art of matchmoving Matchmoving is a technique that allows computer graphics to be inserted into live-action footage with correct position, scale, orientation, and motion. Also known as motion tracking, it's what allows movie monsters to run down Main Street and robots to run through crowds–and look real. Now this unique book from a top expert from Industrial Light and Magic teaches you the art of matchmoving. With step-by-step tutorials and pages of examples, this book first explains the basics and then shows you professional techniques, from 3D calibration and tracking, to stereoscopy, and more. Explains concepts and teaches professional techniques for successful matchmoving Authored by a top matchmove specialist from Industrial Light and Magic, who walks you through step-by-step tutorials and impressive examples Covers matchmoving basics, 2D tracking, 3D calibration and tracking, automatic tracking, cameras, integrating matchmoves, and stereoscopy Learn how studio visual effects professionals make all the right matchmoves with Matchmoving: The Invisible Art of Camera Tracking 2nd Edition.

The Invisible Hands. Top Hedge Fund Traders on Bubbles, Crashes, and Real Money The Invisible Hands. Top Hedge Fund Traders on Bubbles, Crashes, and Real Money

Автор: Jared Diamond

Год издания: 

Hedge fund managers who survived and profited through the 2008 financial crisis share their secrets In light of the colossal losses and amidst the resulting confusion that still lingers, it is time to rethink money management in the broadest of terms. Drastic changes still need to be made, and managers who actually made money during 2008 make for a logical starting place. This updated and revised edition of The Invisible Hands provides investors and traders with the latest thinking from some of the best and the most successful players in money management, highlighting the specific risk and return objectives of each, and discussing the evolution of certain styles and beliefs in money management. Divulges how top financial professionals are looking forward by thinking clearly, managing risk, and seeking a new paradigm of profit making opportunities in the post-crisis world Outlines investments and strategies for the rocky road ahead Gives guidance on how traditional investors such as pensions, endowments, foundations and family offices should rethink how they approach asset allocation and portfolio construction Written by respected industry expert Steven Drobny Page by page, the professionals found in this book reveal their own approaches to markets, risk, and the broader world in which we live, as well as their advice on how investors should be approaching money management in today's uncertain world.