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Unterm Balcon Unterm Balcon

Автор: Карл Иоахим Андерсен

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Phishing and Countermeasures Phishing and Countermeasures

Автор: Markus Jakobsson

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Phishing and Counter-Measures discusses how and why phishing is a threat, and presents effective countermeasures. Showing you how phishing attacks have been mounting over the years, how to detect and prevent current as well as future attacks, this text focuses on corporations who supply the resources used by attackers. The authors subsequently deliberate on what action the government can take to respond to this situation and compare adequate versus inadequate countermeasures.

Das Licht unterm Scheffel Das Licht unterm Scheffel

Автор: Lilo Beil

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Ein Lowe unterm Tannenbaum Ein Lowe unterm Tannenbaum

Автор: Irmgard Kramer

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Der Pinzgau unterm Hakenkreuz Der Pinzgau unterm Hakenkreuz

Автор: Leo Rudolf

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