Скачать книгу - Sikorsky Aircraft

Американское самолёто- и вертолётостроительное предприятие, разрабатывающее и производящее летательные аппараты. Основана в 1923 году Игорем Ивановичем Сикорским. До 1939 года Сикорский создал около 15 типов самолётов. С 1939 года перешёл на конструирование вертолётов одновинтовой схемы…

Jane’s All The World's Aircraft 2004-2005 Jane’s All The World's Aircraft 2004-2005

Автор: Jackson Paul

Год издания: 

Jane’s All The World's Aircraft 2004-2005 уникальное издание представляет собой независимый каталог всех известных в мире летательных аппаратов (приводимых в движение двигателями), которые либо находятся на стадии разработки, либо уже поставлены на производство. Вы найдете детальные сведения о более чем 1000 летательных аппаратах, дополненные цветными фотографиями и рисунками. Cтоимость печатного издания более 700$

Aircraft and Submarines Aircraft and Submarines

Автор: Abbot Willis John

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Cessna Aircraft Company Cessna Aircraft Company

Автор: Творческий коллектив шоу «Сергей Стиллавин и его друзья»

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Cessna Aircraft Company – американский производитель самолётов – от малых двухместных до бизнес-джетов. Штаб-квартира – город Уичита, штат Канзас, США. Компания была основана в 1927 году. Клайд Сессна, канзасский фермер, закончил постройку своего первого самолёта в июне 1911 года, став таким образом первым авиатором на Великих равнинах. Первая фабрика самолётов деревянно-тканевой конструкции Сессны открылась в Эниде.

Aircraft Design. A Systems Engineering Approach Aircraft Design. A Systems Engineering Approach

Автор: Mohammad Sadraey H.

Год издания: 

A comprehensive approach to the air vehicle design process using the principles of systems engineering Due to the high cost and the risks associated with development, complex aircraft systems have become a prime candidate for the adoption of systems engineering methodologies. This book presents the entire process of aircraft design based on a systems engineering approach from conceptual design phase, through to preliminary design phase and to detail design phase. Presenting in one volume the methodologies behind aircraft design, this book covers the components and the issues affected by design procedures. The basic topics that are essential to the process, such as aerodynamics, flight stability and control, aero-structure, and aircraft performance are reviewed in various chapters where required. Based on these fundamentals and design requirements, the author explains the design process in a holistic manner to emphasise the integration of the individual components into the overall design. Throughout the book the various design options are considered and weighed against each other, to give readers a practical understanding of the process overall. Readers with knowledge of the fundamental concepts of aerodynamics, propulsion, aero-structure, and flight dynamics will find this book ideal to progress towards the next stage in their understanding of the topic. Furthermore, the broad variety of design techniques covered ensures that readers have the freedom and flexibility to satisfy the design requirements when approaching real-world projects. Key features: • Provides full coverage of the design aspects of an air vehicle including: aeronautical concepts, design techniques and design flowcharts • Features end of chapter problems to reinforce the learning process as well as fully solved design examples at component level • Includes fundamental explanations for aeronautical engineering students and practicing engineers • Features a solutions manual to sample questions on the book’s companion website Companion website – www.wiley.com/go/sadraey

Advanced Aircraft Design. Conceptual Design, Technology and Optimization of Subsonic Civil Airplanes Advanced Aircraft Design. Conceptual Design, Technology and Optimization of Subsonic Civil Airplanes

Автор: Egbert Torenbeek

Год издания: 

Although the overall appearance of modern airliners has not changed a lot since the introduction of jetliners in the 1950s, their safety, efficiency and environmental friendliness have improved considerably. Main contributors to this have been gas turbine engine technology, advanced materials, computational aerodynamics, advanced structural analysis and on-board systems. Since aircraft design became a highly multidisciplinary activity, the development of multidisciplinary optimization (MDO) has become a popular new discipline. Despite this, the application of MDO during the conceptual design phase is not yet widespread. Advanced Aircraft Design: Conceptual Design, Analysis and Optimization of Subsonic Civil Airplanes presents a quasi-analytical optimization approach based on a concise set of sizing equations. Objectives are aerodynamic efficiency, mission fuel, empty weight and maximum takeoff weight. Independent design variables studied include design cruise altitude, wing area and span and thrust or power loading. Principal features of integrated concepts such as the blended wing and body and highly non-planar wings are also covered. The quasi-analytical approach enables designers to compare the results of high-fidelity MDO optimization with lower-fidelity methods which need far less computational effort. Another advantage to this approach is that it can provide answers to “what if” questions rapidly and with little computational cost. Key features: Presents a new fundamental vision on conceptual airplane design optimization Provides an overview of advanced technologies for propulsion and reducing aerodynamic drag Offers insight into the derivation of design sensitivity information Emphasizes design based on first principles Considers pros and cons of innovative configurations Reconsiders optimum cruise performance at transonic Mach numbers Advanced Aircraft Design: Conceptual Design, Analysis and Optimization of Subsonic Civil Airplanes advances understanding of the initial optimization of civil airplanes and is a must-have reference for aerospace engineering students, applied researchers, aircraft design engineers and analysts.