Almost 70% of mergers fail, yet deals are essential for growing world-class companies. Therefore they must use all the tools and techniques at their disposal to improve their chances of success. Applying the techniques advocated in this book can help managers beat the odds – and employees themselves – to have an impact on whether a deal will be successful both for the company and for themselves. This book looks at the process of a merger or acquisition and pinpoints the areas where business intelligence can raise the odds of success in each phase of the deal. Using techniques developed by governmental intelligence services and a wide range of recent case studies, quotations and anecdotes, the expert authors from the renowned Cass Business School show how to build success into any M&A situation. The first edition of Intelligent M&A was written in 2006 and published in 2007. This preceded the peak year (2007) of the last merger wave, including the excesses in a number of industries and deals (e.g., financial services with RBS’ dramatically failed acquisition of ABN AMRO as a key example), and the global economic downturn that led to a completely new way of operating for many industries and companies. Therefore, there is a need to update the book to incorporate not just more relevant and up-to-date case studies of deals but to show the ‘new’ way of operating in a post-Lehman environment. Chapters will be comprehensively re-written and populated with new and relevant case studies. Получить ссылку |
Raamat lastest. Osho. Noorte sisemise vabaduse ja intelligentsuse arendamine
Автор: Osho
Год издания:
"Vaata lapse silmadesse – midagi sugavamat pole olemas. Lapse silmad on nagu pohjatu sugavik. /Osho/Lastele on omane ehe vabadus. Nad on roomsameelsed, mangulised ja loomu poolest loovad. Kuid kasvatamise kaigus surutakse neid omadusi maha, et lapsed oleksid sonakuulelikud ning sobituksid voimalikult hasti uhiskonda. Ja kuigi iga vanemate polvkond kinnitab, et nemad ei tee oma lastega samu vigu, mis tehti nendega, sunnivad nad paratamatult lastele peale puudusi ja piiranguid, mille nad ise parisid oma vanematelt.See raamat kutsub ules „laste vabastusliikumisele”, et purustada vanad kaitumismustrid ja panna lastega suhtlemisele uus alus. See on teejuht taiskasvanutele, et nad teadvustaksid, kui palju nende kaitumine lapsi mojutab. Me opime, millal laste eest hoolitseda ja neid kaitsta ning millal lasta neil omaette tegutseda, et nad oskaksid elust roomu tunda ja saavutaksid oma korgeima potentsiaali.Osho (1931–1990) on uks tuntumaid ja provokatiivsemaid tanapaeva mustikuid. Londoni Sunday Times nimetas Oshot uheks „20. sajandi tegijaks”; kirjanik Tom Robbins aga „koige ohtlikumaks inimeseks parast Jeesus Kristust”. Tema opetuste moju on uha kasvanud ning jouab vaimsete otsijateni koikjal maailmas."
Emotsionaalne intelligentsus
Автор: Daniel Goleman
Год издания:
Senise intellekti (loe ka: teaduse) imetlemise korvale on voimsalt kerkinud arusaamine, et sageli langetame me oma koige tahtsamad ja nailiselt ratsionaalsed otsused emotsioonidest juhitud kiire motlemise tulemusena (D. Kahneman). Seega voib just olukorra emotsionaalse tahenduse moistmine olla otsustavaks teguriks lahenduste otsimisel ja vigade valtimisel. Daniel Goleman on USA psuhholoog ja teadusajakirjanik ning emotsionaalse intelligentsuse kontseptsiooni propageerija. Ta on olnud Harvardi ulikooli kliinilise psuhholoogia oppejoud, toimetanud ajakirja Psychology Today ning ajalehe New York Times psuhholoogia rubriiki. Tema teosed on ilmunud enam kui neljakumnes keeles ja paljudes maades on saanud neist kiiresti bestsellerid. Esmatrukk eesti keeles ilmus 2000. aastal. See raamat voiks huvi pakkuda koigile neile, kes tahavad iseennast ja teisi moistlikult, s.o tundeid arvestades juhtida. Mare Pork, Tallinna ulikooli psuhholoogia emeriitprofessor ja juhtimiskonsultant426 lk
Navigating the Common Core with English Language Learners. Practical Strategies to Develop Higher-Order Thinking Skills
Автор: Larry Ferlazzo
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The must-have Common Core guide for every ESL/ELL instructor Navigating the Common Core with English Language Learners is the much-needed practical guide for ESL/ELL instructors. Written by experienced teachers of English Language Learners, this book provides a sequel to the highly-regarded ESL/ELL Teacher's Survival Guide and is designed to help teachers implement the Common Core in the ELL classroom. You'll find a digest of the latest research and developments in ELL education, along with comprehensive guidance in reading and writing, social studies, math, science, Social Emotional Learning and more. The Common Core is discussed in the context of ESL, including the opportunities and challenges specific to ELL students. Ready-to-use lesson plans and reproducible handouts help you bring these ideas into the classroom, and expert guidance helps you instill the higher-order thinking skills the Common Core requires. The Common Core standards have been adopted in 43 states, yet minimal guidance has been provided for teachers of English Language Learners. This book fills the literature gap with the most up-to-date theory and a host of practical implementation tools. Get up to date on the latest stats and trends in ELL education Examine the challenges and opportunities posed by Common Core Find solutions to common issues that arise in teaching ELL students Streamline Common Core implementation in the ELL classroom The ELL population is growing at a rapid pace, and the ELL classroom is not exempt from the requirements posed by the Common Core State Standards. ESL/ELL teachers know better than anyone else how critical language is to learning, and ELL students need a specialized Common Core approach to avoid falling behind. Navigating the Common Core with English Language Learners provides specific guidance and helpful tools that teachers can bring to the classroom today.
Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings
Автор: Patrick Gaughan A.
Год издания:
The comprehensive guide to mergers, acquisitions, and corporate restructurings Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings is an all-inclusive guide to M&As that illustrates how restructuring can be used successfully, how each form works, and the laws that govern them. This updated edition includes the latest statistics, research, graphs, and case studies on the private equity market, ethics, legal frameworks, and corporate governance, presented in a more approachable, manageable way. Written from a practical and historical perspective, this book carefully analyzes the strategies and motives that inspire M&As, the legalities involved each step of the way, and the offensive and defensive techniques used during hostile acquisitions. Corporate restructurings are indispensable in building a new generation of re-engineered companies with the power and resources to compete on the global playing field. This book covers the full spectrum of transactions, from megadeals to downsizing, and takes a fresh look at restructuring and how it is being used to revitalize and supercharge companies. Learn how corporate restructuring helps companies compete Discover the common impetus behind M&As Understand the laws and rules that govern the field Examine more effective strategies for hostile acquisitions The slowdown in the world's economy means that mergers and corporate restructuring will likely increase. It is essential for students and professionals to fully understand the concepts and mechanics behind these transactions, and Mergers, Acquisitions, and Corporate Restructurings is the comprehensive guide to the field.
Bogle On Mutual Funds. New Perspectives For The Intelligent Investor
Автор: John C. Bogle
Год издания:
The seminal work on mutual funds investing is now a Wiley Investment Classic Certain books have redefined the way we view the world of finance and investing—books that should be on every investor’s shelf. Bogle On Mutual Funds—the definitive work on mutual fund investing by one of finance’s great luminaries—is just such a work, and has been added to the catalog of Wiley’s Investment Classic collection. Updated with a new introduction by expert John Bogle, this comprehensive book provides investors with the wisdom of the pioneer of mutual funds to help you identify and execute the ideal mutual fund investment choices for your portfolio. The former Vanguard Chief Executive, Bogle has long been mutual funds' most outspoken critic; in this classic book, he provides guidance on what you should and shouldn't believe when it comes to mutual funds, along with the story of persistence and perseverance that led to this seminal work. You'll learn the differences between common stock, bond, money market, and balanced funds, and why a passively managed «index» fund is a smarter investment than a fund managed by someone making weighted bets on individual securities, sectors, and the economy. Bogle reveals the truth behind the advertising, the mediocre performance, and selfishness, and highlights the common mistakes many investors make. Consider the risks and rewards of investing in mutual funds Learn how to choose between the four basic types of funds Choose the lower-cost, more reliable investment structure See through misleading advertising, and watch out for pitfalls Take a look into this timeless classic and let Bogle On Mutual Funds show you how to invest in mutual funds the right way, with the expert perspective of an industry leader.
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