Don't squander your most valuable resource! Collectively, your workers are your company's most important and most valuable asset. To make the most of this asset, nothing beats quantitative performance and investment measurement. Learning and Development is an 80 billion-dollar industry, and every valuable employee represents a sizable investment on the part of your company. To keep your business moving forward, effective management of human capital is crucial. It generates plenty of data, and deep analysis of this data helps you provide feedback and make adjustments to capitalize on the combined knowledge, skills, and creativity of your workers. Developing Human Capital: Using Analytics to Plan and Optimize Your Learning and Development Investments provides a guidebook for collecting, organizing, and analyzing the data surrounding human capital so you can make the most of your employees' potential. Use predictive analysis to optimize human capital investments Learn effective study design and alignment Get the tools you need for measurement, surveys, and analysis Decide what to measure and how to measure it Outline your company's current and future analytics technology needs Map data sources, and overcome barriers to data collection Authors Gene Pease, Bonnie Beresford, and Lew Walker provide case studies in which major companies applied human capital analytics to guide people decisions, and expand upon the role of analytics in Learning and Development. Developing Human Capital: Using Analytics to Plan and Optimize Your Learning and Development Investments is an essential guide to 21st century human resources and management practices, and can keep you from squandering your company's most valuable resource. Получить ссылку |
Web Application
Development with PHP 4.0
Автор: Tobias Ratschiller, Till Gerken
Год издания:
While the success of Open Source software like Linux or Apache has been documented
extensively throughout all mainstream media, the rise of PHP has gone largely
unnoticed. Still, the Web scripting language PHP is the most popular module for the
Apache Web server, according to an E-Soft survey (www.e-softinc.com/survey/).
Netcraft studies have found that PHP is in use on over 6% of all Web domains in the
world (see www.netcraft.com/survey).That’s an incredible market penetration for a
rather specialized product.This popularity continues to rise exponentially. Increasingly,
this is being reflected in traditional media: As of May, 2000, more than 20 books about
PHP have been published in different languages, with more in the pipeline.
Commercial players are beginning to join the bandwagon: PHP is included with
Web servers, for example C2’s Stronghold, and Linux distributions. A new company,
Zend Technologies, has been formed to provide commercial add-ons and support for
PHP.A long list of large-scale Web sites employ PHP, as well as hundreds of thousands
of small to medium Web sites.
Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications
Автор: Mohammed J. Kabir
Год издания:
The personal home page (PHP) server-side scripting language is particular well adapted to connecting HTML-based web pages to a backend database for dynamic content. This book explains the entire nuts-and-bolts process of the PHP application life cycle: requirements, design, development, maintenance and tuning. It shows how PHP can be used to design and develop highly manageable and secure applications to solve practical problems.
Photoshop CS2 Raw: Using Adobe Camera Raw, Bridge, and Photoshop to Get the Most Out of Your Digital Camera
Автор: Aaland Mikkel
Год издания:
The RAW file format is the uncompressed data file captured by a digital camera's electronic sensor. When your camera saves an image in RAW format, settings like white balance, sharpening, contrast and saturation are not applied to the image but are saved instead in a separate header. Because RAW files remain virtually untouched by in-camera processing, they are essentially the digital equivalent to exposed but undeveloped film.
This makes RAW an increasingly popular format with amateur and professional digital photographers, because it affords greater flexibility and control during the editing process-if you know how to work with RAW files.
Most digital camera manufacturers supply their own software for converting RAW data, as do some third party vendors. Increasingly, however, the RAW converter of choice is a plug-in included in the latest version of Adobe Photoshop, the most popular and widely-used digital image editing tool in the world. Adobe Photoshop CS2 is emerging as the best place to edit RAW images, and the best way to master this new format is with Photoshop CS2 RAW.
An important book dedicated to working with RAW in Photoshop, this comprehensive guide features a unique design that helps readers grasp the subject through visual instruction and prompts. The entire RAW process is explored, from shooting to using the Adobe plug-in converter and new Bridge navigation software. The primary focus of Photoshop RAW is, as the title suggests, Photoshop editing technique: automating RAW workflow, correcting exposures, extending exposure range, manipulating grayscale and working with the new DNG (Digital Negative) open standard that Adobe supports.
Presented by photographer Mikkel Aaland, a pioneer of digital photography and author of eight books, including O"Reilly"s Photoshop for the Web and the award-winning Shooting Digital, Photoshop CS2 RAW investigates and instructs in an accessible visual style. Required reading for professionals and dedicated photo hobbyists alike.
The Red Queen: sex and the evolution of human nature
Автор: Ridley Matt
Год издания:
Почему мы занимаемся сексом? Одной из главных причин, утверждает Ридли, является борьба с болезнью. Постоянно объединяя и рекомбинируя гены каждого поколения, "людские гены на шаг опережают организмы-паразиты", укрепляя тем самым устойчивость к бактериям и вирусам, которые вызывают смертельные заболевания или эпидемии. Теория "Красной Королевы", получившая название от имени шахматной фигуры в Зазеркалье Кэрролла, которая функционирует, не двигаясь с места, эта гипотеза является лишь одной из спорных идей, которые были изложены в этом остроумном, элегантном письменном исследовании. Ридли, лондонский ученый и бывший редактор Economist утверждает, что мужчины полигамны по той очевидной причине, что тот пол, которому приходится тратить больше времени и энергии на создание и воспитание потомства, будет стремится избежать дополнительных спариваний. Женщины, хотя и гораздо меньше заинтересованы в нескольких партнерах, будут прелюбодействовать, если окружены посредственными партнерами. По не совсем убедительному выводу Ридли даже свойства интеллекта завязаны на секс: артистизм, индивидуальность, изобретательность и связанные с этим черты, которые делают людей сексуально привлекательными.
Продвигаем и рекламируем с помощью Google Analytics
Автор: Илья Мельников
Год издания:
Даже если ваш сайт был создан в профессиональной web-студии и у него получился роскошный дизайн, это совсем не значит, что с момента появления его в сети Интернет это хоть как-то повлияет на продажи товара. Мало создать интерактивный и технически совершенный интернет-ресурс. Важно сделать так, чтобы посетитель «нашел дорожку» на ваш сайт и попал на нужную ему страницу, став потенциальным, а потом и реальным покупателем.
Одним из сервисов, позволяющих проверить эффективность работы сайта и рекламной кампании, проводимой в сети Интернет, является Google Analytics.
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