Скачать книгу - The Investment Advisor Body of Knowledge + Test Bank. Readings for the CIMA Certification

The complete body of knowledge for CIMA candidates and professionals The 2015 Certified Investment Management Analyst Body of Knowledge + Test Bank will help any financial advisor prepare for and pass the CIMA exam, and includes key information and preparation for those preparing to take the test. CIMA professionals integrate a complex body of investment knowledge, ethically contributing to prudent investment decisions by providing objective advice and guidance to individual and institutional investors. The CIMA certification program is the only credential designed specifically for financial professionals who want to attain a level of competency as an advanced investment consultant. Having the CIMA designation has led to more satisfied careers, better compensation, and management of more assets for higher-net-worth clients than other advisors. The book is laid out based on the six domains covered on the exam: I. Governance II. Fundamentals (statistics, finance, economics) III. Portfolio Performance and Risk Measurements IV. Traditional and Alternative Investments V. Portfolio Theory and Behavioral Finance VI. Investment Consulting Process

The history of the Royal society of London for the improving of natural knowledge The history of the Royal society of London for the improving of natural knowledge

Автор: Thomas Sprat

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «The history of the Royal society of London for the improving of natural knowledge / By Tho. Sprat».

An historical disquisition concerning the knowledge which the ancients had of India An historical disquisition concerning the knowledge which the ancients had of India

Автор: William Robertson

Год издания: 

Полный вариант заголовка: «An historical disquisition concerning the knowledge which the ancients had of India : and the progress of trade with that country prior to the discovery of the passage to it by the Cape of Good Hope : with an appendix, containing observations on the civil policy – the laws and the judicial proceedings – the arts – the sciences – and religious institutions, of the Indians / by William Robertson, D.D.F.R.S. Ed.».

Original Penny Readings: A Series of Short Sketches Original Penny Readings: A Series of Short Sketches

Автор: Fenn George Manville

Год издания: 

Christmas Penny Readings: Original Sketches for the Season Christmas Penny Readings: Original Sketches for the Season

Автор: Fenn George Manville

Год издания: 

Древние знания – на службе современности. Ancient knowledge – to the service of today Древние знания – на службе современности. Ancient knowledge – to the service of today

Автор: Сергей Иванович Каменский

Год издания: 

Можно назвать книгу «Прикладной философией» или «Кратким курсом человековедения». Ее цель: способствовать распространению надежных научных знаний о природе человека и общества. Без ссылок на Творца в различных его ипостасях, Космический разум и т.п. Это результат 30–летних исследований многомерной проблемы глобального кризиса и поиска путей решения вытекающей из этого проблемы глобального выживания. Несомненно, главного императива нашей эпохи – для всех живущих и тех, которые тоже должны иметь возможность родиться.