A detailed, expert-driven guide to today's major financial point of interest The xVA Challenge: Counterparty Credit Risk, Funding, Collateral, and Capital is a practical guide from one of the leading and most influential credit practitioners, Jon Gregory. Focusing on practical methods, this informative guide includes discussion around the latest regulatory requirements, market practice, and academic thinking. Beginning with a look at the emergence of counterparty risk during the recent global financial crisis, the discussion delves into the quantification of firm-wide credit exposure and risk mitigation methods, such as netting and collateral. It also discusses thoroughly the xVA terms, notably CVA, DVA, FVA, ColVA, and KVA and their interactions and overlaps. The discussion of other aspects such as wrong-way risks, hedging, stress testing, and xVA management within a financial institution are covered. The extensive coverage and detailed treatment of what has become an urgent topic makes this book an invaluable reference for any practitioner, policy maker, or student. Counterparty credit risk and related aspects such as funding, collateral, and capital have become key issues in recent years, now generally characterized by the term 'xVA'. This book provides practical, in-depth guidance toward all aspects of xVA management. Market practice around counterparty credit risk and credit and debit value adjustment (CVA and DVA) The latest regulatory developments including Basel III capital requirements, central clearing, and mandatory collateral requirements The impact of accounting requirements such as IFRS 13 Recent thinking on the applications of funding, collateral, and capital adjustments (FVA, ColVA and KVA) The sudden realization of extensive counterparty risks has severely compromised the health of global financial markets. It's now a major point of action for all financial institutions, which have realized the growing importance of consistent treatment of collateral, funding, and capital alongside counterparty risk. The xVA Challenge: Counterparty Credit Risk, Funding, Collateral, and Capital provides expert perspective and real-world guidance for today's institutions. Получить ссылку |
Diffusion value of the collateral among the affiliated persons of the credit organization structures
Автор: Николай Камзин
Год издания:
The aim of the article is to perform an economic and legal analysis of the financial claims of the credit institution to the borrower through the implementation of the acquired using borrowed funds vehicle that is owned by the borrower and burdened the right of pledge in favor of the bank. And also to identify factors influencing the effect of the financial cost of spraying alienated collateral, including affiliated bank structures, be associated with this process.
Social Capital and Strategy Effectiveness: An Empirical Study of Entrepreneurial Ventures in a Transition Economy
Автор: I. Manev
Год издания:
Although new ventures’ competitive positioning and their founders’ social networks are both recognized as important in the context of transition economies, not much is known about their multiplicative effect on performance. We build on the strategic management literature and social network theory to develop theoretical predictions about the role of competitive strategies and social capital for entrepreneurial performance. These are tested with survey data from Bulgaria. We find that both the venture’s competitive strategic positioning and the founder’s networking positively influence performance. The hypothesized moderating effect of networking for the relationship between differentiation strategy and performance received only tentative support. Contrary to expectations, we find a negative moderating effect of networking for the relationship of cost leadership with performance. These results suggest that the entrepreneur’s network plays a role in shaping how strategies influence performance by possibly upholding differentiation and deemphasizing cost leadership strategy. Implications for managerial practice and public policy are discussed.
Профессиональный английский: финансы и кредит. Professional English in Use: Finance and Credit
Автор: Эмилия Комарова
Год издания:
Представлен материал на английском языке, охватывающий основные разделы подготовки специалиста в области финансов: типы финансов, мировые финансовые системы, карьера в финансах, деньги, виды денег, инфляция, ее влияние и роль в экономике, коммерческие и государственные банки, банковские кредиты, процентные ставки, налогообложение, классификация налогов и т.д. Ориентировано на овладение терминологическим минимумом и понимание профильных аутентичных текстов на английском языке без их перевода. Соответствует требованиям Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования по направлению 080100 «Экономика». Для студентов бакалавриата и магистрантов экономических факультетов. Также может быть полезно аспирантам, стажерам и специалистам, отъезжающим за рубеж.
Human Capital. Challenges for Russia
Автор: В. А. Мау
Год издания:
Education, healthcare and pension system are the key sources of modern economic growth. They stand in need of a profound transformation if they are to meet post-industrial challenges. The new principles of transformation of these sectors include individualization of services, their privatization (an increased role for private spending), life-long demand for these services, globalization (international competition) and the development of radically new technologies.
A quien debe darse credito
Автор: Juan Valera
Год издания:
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