LISTENING . . . THE KEY TO BECOMING A TRANSFORMATIVE SCHOOL LEADER The Listening Leader is a practical guide that will inspire school, district, and teacher leaders to make substantive change and increase equitable student outcomes. Rooted in the values of equity, relationships, and listening, this luminous book helps reimagine what is possible in education today. Drawing from more than twenty years of experience in public schools, Shane Safir incorporates hands-on strategies and powerful stories to show us how to leverage one of the most vital tools of leadership: listening. As a Listening Leader you'll feel more confident in these core competencies: Cultivating relationships with stakeholders Addressing equity challenges in your organization Gathering student, staff, and parent perspectives as rich data on improvement Fostering a thriving culture of collaboration and innovation The Listening Leader offers a much-needed leadership model to transform every facet of school life, and most importantly, to shape our schools into equitable places of learning. As Michael Fullan writes in the Foreword, «Read it, act on it, and reap the benefits for all.» «This book is a 'must have' for any leader trying to move the needle on equity. Drawing from her lived experience as a principal and leadership coach, Safir offers stories that give insight and practical strategies that get results. It's one you'll keep coming back to.» —Zaretta Hammond, author of Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain « The Listening Leader immediately changed the way I interact with students, teachers, families and community members.» —Tamara Friedman, assistant principal, Berkeley High School «Shane Safir has written a brilliant book. As engaging as it is informative and as revelatory as it is relevant. It is a must-read for school leaders and those who aspire to lead.» —Chris Emdin, associate professor of science education, Teachers College, Columbia University; author of For White Folks Who Teach In the Hood and the Rest of Ya'll too Получить ссылку |
The School for Scandal
Автор: Ричард Бринсли Шеридан
Год издания:
Ричард Бринслей Шеридан – знаменитый английский драматург, оратор и политик. Его «Школа злословия» – одна из вершин английской сатирической литературы. Вся пьеса проникнута стремлением автора разоблачить ненавистные ему ханжество, корыстолюбие, лицемерие «высшего света». И для этого Шеридану не надо было выдумывать сложной сюжетной схемы, запутанных перипетий. Ему достаточно было представить на сцене светскую жизнь, мир интриг, аристократических козней, погубленных репутаций, расстроенных свадеб, сплетен и слухов, где нет «большего наслаждения», чем опорочить других. Комедия «Школа злословия» – единственная пьеса английского репертуара конца XVIII века, которая до сих пор ставится на английских сценах. Всех, изучающих английский язык и совершенствующих свои навыки в нем, приглашает в «Школу злословия» актриса Аниссой Наоуай. Аудиокнига на английском языке.
Sermons, adapted to the use of schools for every Sunday in the year and for the great fasts and festivals
Автор: Richard Phillips
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Sermons, adapted to the use of schools for every Sunday in the year and for the great fasts and festivals / selected from the works of celebrated preachers by S. Barrow [pseud.]».
Models of letters for the use of schools and private students
Автор: Группа авторов
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «Models of letters : for the use od schools and private students : being an epitome of the large 8 volume, entitled, Elegant epistles : and containig Select letters from the best English authors : with many translated from the French, which have never appeared in any miscellaneous collection».
School stories
Автор: Igor Yevtishenkov
Год издания:
School strories of a Russian teacher written in English. The novels are devoted to pupils and teachers, their every-day life situations and hopes.
School Stories in English and Russian
Автор: Igor Yevtishenkov
Год издания:
Истории, основанные на реальных событиях из школьной жизни учителей и учеников, написанные по заметкам преподавателя средней школы.
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