A ground shaking expose on the failure of popular cyber risk management methods How to Measure Anything in Cybersecurity Risk exposes the shortcomings of current «risk management» practices, and offers a series of improvement techniques that help you fill the holes and ramp up security. In his bestselling book How to Measure Anything, author Douglas W. Hubbard opened the business world's eyes to the critical need for better measurement. This book expands upon that premise and draws from The Failure of Risk Management to sound the alarm in the cybersecurity realm. Some of the field's premier risk management approaches actually create more risk than they mitigate, and questionable methods have been duplicated across industries and embedded in the products accepted as gospel. This book sheds light on these blatant risks, and provides alternate techniques that can help improve your current situation. You'll also learn which approaches are too risky to save, and are actually more damaging than a total lack of any security. Dangerous risk management methods abound; there is no industry more critically in need of solutions than cybersecurity. This book provides solutions where they exist, and advises when to change tracks entirely. Discover the shortcomings of cybersecurity's «best practices» Learn which risk management approaches actually create risk Improve your current practices with practical alterations Learn which methods are beyond saving, and worse than doing nothing Insightful and enlightening, this book will inspire a closer examination of your company's own risk management practices in the context of cybersecurity. The end goal is airtight data protection, so finding cracks in the vault is a positive thing—as long as you get there before the bad guys do. How to Measure Anything in Cybersecurity Risk is your guide to more robust protection through better quantitative processes, approaches, and techniques. Получить ссылку |
NI Measurement Studio: практика разработки систем измерения и управления на C#
Автор: Юрий Магда
Год издания:
В книге рассматриваются практическе аспекты разработки приложений для промышленных систем измерения и управления в среде программирования Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 с использованием интегрированного пакета Measurement Studio фирмы National Instruments. Measurement Studio включает программные средства и библиотеки классов, позволяющие разработчикам Visual Basic.NET и Visual C#.NET в короткие сроки создавать высокопроизводительные приложения для систем автоматизации. Материал книги содержит практические примеры разработки простых систем измерения и управления, которые могут служить в качестве «рабочих кирпичиков» при работе над комплексными проектами. Книга будет полезна широкому кругу разработчиков программного обеспечения для систем управления, желающих применить программные технологии .NET в своих проектах.
The negociator's magazine, or the most authentick account yet published of the monies, weights, and measures of the principal places of trade in the world
Автор: Richard Hayes
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «The negociator's magazine, or the most authentick account yet published of the monies, weights, and measures of the principal places of trade in the world / by Richard Hayes».
Find Out Anything From Anyone, Anytime: Secrets of Calculated Questioning From a Veteran Interrogator
Автор: Pyle James
Год издания:
The secret to finding out anything you want to know is amazingly simple: Ask good questions. Most people trip through life asking bad questions – of teachers, friends, coworkers, clients, prospects, experts, and suspects. Even people trained in questioning, such as journalists and lawyers, commonly ask questions that get partial or misleading answers.
People in any profession will immediately benefit by developing the skill and art of good questioning. Find Out Anything From Anyone, Anytime will give you the power to:
• Identify and practice good questioning techniques
• Recognize types of questions to avoid
• Know the questions required when hearing unconfirmed reports or gossip
• Practice good listening techniques and exploit all leads
• Determine when and how to control the conversation
• Gain real expertise fast
Within professional interrogation circles, Pyle is known as a strategic debriefer – meaning there is no one around him more skilled at asking questions and getting answers. He has been training other interrogators in questioning techniques since 1989.
Colour Measurement and Mixture
Автор: Abney William de Wiveleslie Sir
Год издания:
Measure for Measure
Автор: Уильям Шекспир
Год издания:
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