Targeted analytics to address the unique opportunities in hospitality and gaming The Analytic Hospitality Executive helps decision makers understand big data and how it can drive value in the industry. Written by a leading business analytics expert who specializes in hospitality and travel, this book draws a direct link between big data and hospitality, and shows you how to incorporate analytics into your strategic management initiative. You'll learn which data types are critical, how to identify productive data sources, and how to integrate analytics into multiple business processes to create an overall analytic culture that turns information into insight. The discussion includes the tools and tips that help make it happen, and points you toward the specific places in your business that could benefit from advanced analytics. The hospitality and gaming industry has unique needs and opportunities, and this book's targeted guidance provides a roadmap to big data benefits. Like most industries, the hospitality and gaming industry is experiencing a rapid increase in data volume, variety, and velocity. This book shows you how to corral this growing current, and channel it into productive avenues that drive better business. Understand big data and analytics Incorporate analytics into existing business processes Identify the most valuable data sources Create a strategic analytic culture that drives value Although the industry is just beginning to recognize the value of big data, it's important to get up to speed quickly or risk losing out on benefits that could drive business to greater heights. The Analytic Hospitality Executive provides a targeted game plan from an expert on the inside, so you can start making your data work for you. Получить ссылку |
Продвигаем и рекламируем с помощью Google Analytics
Автор: Илья Мельников
Год издания:
Даже если ваш сайт был создан в профессиональной web-студии и у него получился роскошный дизайн, это совсем не значит, что с момента появления его в сети Интернет это хоть как-то повлияет на продажи товара. Мало создать интерактивный и технически совершенный интернет-ресурс. Важно сделать так, чтобы посетитель «нашел дорожку» на ваш сайт и попал на нужную ему страницу, став потенциальным, а потом и реальным покупателем.
Одним из сервисов, позволяющих проверить эффективность работы сайта и рекламной кампании, проводимой в сети Интернет, является Google Analytics.
Analytical Studies
Автор: Оноре де Бальзак
Год издания:
Implementing Missionary Activity. Theory and Practice
Автор: Igor Vladimirovich Yanshin
Год издания:
The manual is designed to help full-time ministry workers and lay-people understand legislation concerning missionary activity, and how to conduct oneself while preaching, or engaging in outreach activities.
Введение в Google Analytics
Автор: А. С. Петроченков
Год издания:
Человек зарегистрировался на сайте и начал оформлять заказ. Все хорошо, мы довольны. Но что это? На третьем этапе (подтверждение заказа) больше половины пользователей уходит! Вот где проблема и засада. С рекламой все хорошо, на сайте много людей, но почему из 843 начавших оформление заказа до оплаты доходят лишь 490? Ответы – в этой книге! В ней вы найдете подробные иллюстрированные пошаговые инструкции на все случаи жизни, с их помощью даже начинающий пользователь сможет легко освоить Google Analytics. Изучив книгу, вы поймете все нюансы веб-аналитики, сможете уверенно работать без помощи наемного специалиста и самостоятельно контролировать работу своего веб-ресурса.
Executive's Guide to COSO Internal Controls. Understanding and Implementing the New Framework
Автор: Robert R. Moeller
Год издания:
Essential guidance on the revised COSO internal controls framework Need the latest on the new, revised COSO internal controls framework? Executive's Guide to COSO Internal Controls provides a step-by-step plan for installing and implementing effective internal controls with an emphasis on building improved IT as well as other internal controls and integrating better risk management processes. The COSO internal controls framework forms the basis for establishing Sarbanes-Oxley compliance and internal controls specialist Robert Moeller looks at topics including the importance of effective systems on internal controls in today's enterprises, the new COSO framework for effective enterprise internal controls, and what has changed since the 1990s internal controls framework. Written by Robert Moeller, an authority in internal controls and IT governance Practical, no-nonsense coverage of all three dimensions of the new COSO framework Helps you change systems and processes when implementing the new COSO internal controls framework Includes information on how ISO internal control and risk management standards as well as COBIT can be used with COSO internal controls Other titles by Robert Moeller: IT Audit, Control, and Security, Executives Guide to IT Governance Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, every corporation has to assert that their internal controls are adequate and public accounting firms certifying those internal controls are attesting to the adequacy of those same internal controls, based on the COSO internal controls framework. Executive's Guide to COSO Internal Controls thoroughly considers improved risk management processes as part of the new COSO framework; the importance of IT systems and processes; and risk management techniques.
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