The essential roadmap for the new realities of selling when buyers are in charge Sales and service are being radically redefined by the biggest communications revolution in human history. Today buyers are in charge! There is no more 'selling'—there is only buying. When potential customers have near perfect information on the web, it means salespeople must transform from authority to consultant, product narratives must tell a story, and businesses must be agile enough to respond before opportunity is lost. The New Rules of Sales and Service demystifies the new digital commercial landscape and shows you how to stay ahead of the pack. Companies large and small are revolutionizing the way business gets done, and this book takes you inside the new methods and strategies that are critical to success in the modern market. Real-world examples illustrate the new marketplace in action, and demonstrate the brilliant utility of taking a new look at your customer and your business. This new edition has been updated to reflect the current reality of this rapidly-evolving sphere, with fresh strategies, new tools, and new stories. Whether you're an independent contractor, a multi-national corporation, a start-up, or a nonprofit, this book is your essential guide to navigating the new digital marketplace. David Meerman Scott provides up-to-the-minute analysis of the current state of the digital commercial landscape, plus expert guidance toward the concepts, strategies, and tools that every business needs now. Among the topics covered in detail: Why the old rules of sales and service no longer work in an always-on world The new sales cycle and how informative Web content drives the buying process Providing agile, real-time sales and service 24/7 without letting it rule your life The importance of defining and understanding the buyer personas How agile customer service retains existing clients and expands new business Why content-rich websites motivate interest, establish authority, and drive sales How social media is transforming the role of salesperson into valued consultant Because buyers are better informed, and come armed with more choices and opportunities than ever before, everything about sales has changed. Salespeople must adapt because the digital economy has turned the old model on its head, and those who don't keep up will be left behind. The New Rules of Sales and Service is required reading for anyone wanting to stay ahead of the game and grow business now. Получить ссылку |
Английский язык для делового общения / English for Businessmen (комплект из 2 книг)
Автор: Дудкина Г.А., Павлова М.В., Рей З.Г., Хвальнова А.Т.
Год издания:
Целью учебника "English for Businessmen" является оказание практической помощи изучающим английский язык для применения его в сфере бизнеса и менеджмента. Тексты учебника включают как деловую, так и общебытовую тематику, а система грамматических и лексических упражнений дает возможность усвоить содержащийся в них языковой материал. Многие годы учебник пользуется популярностью и неизменным спросом на всей территории Российской Федерации. Настоящее издание было существенно переработано с целью отражения новых реальностей и тенденций в плане ведения бизнеса и в окружающей нас действительности. Данное издание учебника "English for Businessmen" является обновленной редакцией предыдущего издания, завоевавшего популярность в России и других странах СНГ. Учебник предназначен для углубленного изучения английского языка на продвинутом уровне и обеспечивает активное владение английским языком в повседневном и деловом общении.
Buying and selling cars, pre-sale preparation, in eBook
Автор: Монолит
Год издания:
Vehicle pre-delivery preparation
- General information about pre-sale preparation
- Defining goals
- Engine
- Transmission
- Undercarriage
- Electrics
- Appearance
- Salon
- Ending
The procedure for selling a car
- Determining the price of a car
- Ways of selling a car
- How to properly sell your car and conduct trading yourself?
- Types of customers
Selecting and inspecting a used car
- General information when choosing a car
- Checking documents
- Car inspection
Car purchase and sale registration
- General information about the sale of a car
- Procedure for registration of purchase and sale for Ukrainian citizens
- Procedure for registration of purchase and sale
- for citizens of the Russian Federation
Fraud in the sale of a car
- Sellers-scammers
- Shoppers-cheaters
- Statements of the crafty sellers of used cars
Metal supply & sales 2012
Автор: Группа авторов
Год издания:
In the special edition of the “Metal Supply & Sales” magazine you will find the analysis of current situation in Russian ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy in the context of global production; in depth flat and long-rolled products, pipe, copper and aluminum industry research. English speaking readers of the special edition will be able to acquire information on Russian metallurgy perspectives, market trends and industry innovations. In the “Metal supply & sales” magazine sector’s leading companies – MMK, NLMK, RMK, TMK, OMK, Chelpipe, Uraltrubprom and Ukraine’s Metinvest, present their articles on new production capacities, products and engineering solutions. In addition the Chinese market forecast is published in this issue of the magazine. It is well known, that Russian metallurgy is export-oriented. More than 50% of all production is being exported and Russia is considered to be among the five largest suppliers of metals on world markets. Therefore, export contracts have always been, are, and in the nearest future will be crucial for the national producers of steel products. «Metal Supply & Sales» magazine sees its mission as a bridge between the producers and consumers of metals. Therefore English edition, which aims to promote the domestic steel industry on the international markets, is being published. According to the statistics, each magazine is being read by 15 person, so 8 thousand copies are being read by 120,000 people. Over 100 thousand industry representatives from all around the world will be able to examine the maps of Russian metallurgical assets, get the perspective on the traditional and new types of products, and to establish mutually beneficial commercial relationships.