The long-awaited, comprehensive guide to practical credit risk modeling Credit Risk Analytics provides a targeted training guide for risk managers looking to efficiently build or validate in-house models for credit risk management. Combining theory with practice, this book walks you through the fundamentals of credit risk management and shows you how to implement these concepts using the SAS credit risk management program, with helpful code provided. Coverage includes data analysis and preprocessing, credit scoring; PD and LGD estimation and forecasting, low default portfolios, correlation modeling and estimation, validation, implementation of prudential regulation, stress testing of existing modeling concepts, and more, to provide a one-stop tutorial and reference for credit risk analytics. The companion website offers examples of both real and simulated credit portfolio data to help you more easily implement the concepts discussed, and the expert author team provides practical insight on this real-world intersection of finance, statistics, and analytics. SAS is the preferred software for credit risk modeling due to its functionality and ability to process large amounts of data. This book shows you how to exploit the capabilities of this high-powered package to create clean, accurate credit risk management models. Understand the general concepts of credit risk management Validate and stress-test existing models Access working examples based on both real and simulated data Learn useful code for implementing and validating models in SAS Despite the high demand for in-house models, there is little comprehensive training available; practitioners are left to comb through piece-meal resources, executive training courses, and consultancies to cobble together the information they need. This book ends the search by providing a comprehensive, focused resource backed by expert guidance. Credit Risk Analytics is the reference every risk manager needs to streamline the modeling process. Получить ссылку |
Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications
Автор: Mohammed J. Kabir
Год издания:
The personal home page (PHP) server-side scripting language is particular well adapted to connecting HTML-based web pages to a backend database for dynamic content. This book explains the entire nuts-and-bolts process of the PHP application life cycle: requirements, design, development, maintenance and tuning. It shows how PHP can be used to design and develop highly manageable and secure applications to solve practical problems.
Oracle Database 10g XML & SQL: Design, Build, & Manage XML Applications in Java, C, C++, & PL/SQL
Автор: Mark Scardina
Год издания:
Written by members of the Oracle XML group, this is a must-have reference for all IT managers, DBAs, and developers who want to learn the best practices for using XML with Oracle’s XML-enabled products. Includes real-world case studies based on theauthors’ experience managing Oracle’s XML Discussion Forum - a community of 20,000+ XML component users.
Translation Techniques. English - Russian. Практические основы перевода
Автор: Т. А. Казакова
Год издания:
Учебное пособие предназначается изучающим английский язык и входит в систему предметов, обучающих теории и практике перевода. Материал пособия направлен на освоение и развитие практических навыков перевода с английского языка на русский и наоборот.Основным принципом построения пособия, отбора и расположения учебного материала является создание систематического представления о способах, средствах и приемах преобразования языковых единиц в процессе двустороннего перевода. Пособие может бытьиспользовано в рамках учебного процесса на факультетах иностранных языков, для обучения переводчиков, а также для самостоятельных занятий студентов, аспирантов, преподавателей английского языка и начинающих переводчиков.
Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering
Автор: Giorgio Rizzoni
Год издания:
Rizzoni is designed for the sophomore/junior level, Introduction to Electrical Engineering course required for non-EE majors. The most widely used book for this course, Rizzoni introduces non-majors to the three basic areas of electrical engineering: circuits, electronics, and electromechanics. The second edition continues the tradition of focusing on the topics and issues of interest to the non-electrical engineering student. To maintain student interest in these topics, Rizzoni provides numerous links between electrical engineering and other engineering fields.
Diffusion value of the collateral among the affiliated persons of the credit organization structures
Автор: Николай Камзин
Год издания:
The aim of the article is to perform an economic and legal analysis of the financial claims of the credit institution to the borrower through the implementation of the acquired using borrowed funds vehicle that is owned by the borrower and burdened the right of pledge in favor of the bank. And also to identify factors influencing the effect of the financial cost of spraying alienated collateral, including affiliated bank structures, be associated with this process.
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