Скачать книгу - The Leadership Challenge. How to Make Extraordinary Things Happen in Organizations

The most trusted source of leadership wisdom, updated to address today's realities The Leadership Challenge is the gold-standard manual for effective leadership, grounded in research and written by the premier authorities in the field. With deep insight into the complex interpersonal dynamics of the workplace, this book positions leadership both as a skill to be learned, and as a relationship that must be nurtured to reach its full potential. This new sixth edition has been revised to address current challenges, and includes more international examples and a laser focus on business issues; you'll learn how extraordinary leaders accomplish extraordinary things, and how to develop your leadership skills and style to deliver quality results every time. Engaging stories delve into the fundamental roles that great leaders fulfill, and simple frameworks provide a primer for those who seek continuous improvement; by internalizing key insights and putting concepts into action, you'll become a more effective, more impactful leader. A good leader gets things done; a great leader aspires, inspires, and achieves more. This book highlights the differences between good and great, and shows you how to bridge the chasm between getting things done and making things happen. Gain deep insight into leadership's critical role in organizational health Navigate the shift toward team-oriented work relationships Motivate and inspire to break through the pervasive new cynicism Leverage the electronic global village to deliver better results Business is evolving at an increasingly rapid rate, and leaders must keep pace with the changes or risk stagnation. People work differently, are motivated differently, and have different expectations today—business as usual is quickly losing its effectiveness. The Leadership Challenge helps you stay current, relevant, and effective in the modern workplace.

Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things

Автор: Виктор Петин

Год издания: 

Рассмотрено создание простых устройств в рамках концепции Интернета вещей (IoT, Internet of Things) на базе популярной платформы Arduino и микрокомпьютера Raspberry Pi. Показана установка и настройка среды разработки приложений Arduino IDE, а также среда макетирования Frizing. Описаны технические возможности, особенности подключения и взаимодействия различных датчиков и исполнительных устройств. Показана организация доступа разрабатываемых проектов к сети Интернет, отправка и получение ими данных с использованием популярных облачных IoT сервисов: Narodmon, ThingSpeak, Xively, Weaved, Blynk, Wyliodrin и др. Уделено внимание обмену данными с помощью платы GPRS/GSM Shield. Рассмотрен проект создания собственного сервера для сбора по сети данных с различных устройств на платформе Arduino. Показано как использовать фреймворк WebIOPi для работы с Raspberry Pi. Приведены примеры использования Wi-Fi-модуля ESP8266 в проектах «Умный дом». На сайте издательства размещен архив с исходными кодами программ и библиотек. Для интересующихся современной электроникой.

My Estonia 3. What Happened? My Estonia 3. What Happened?

Автор: Justin Petrone

Год издания: 

This is the story of a man looking for his way. New York did not satisfy his soul, so he moved to Estonia, with his crazy wife, a kid, and six suitcases. Within 24 hours he found a home and had to learn how to make a fire. It did not satisfy his soul for long. Soon he had a house with four furnaces, and was making fires around the clock.His crazy Estonian wife started a publishing house that turned out well. Too well. He decided to become an academic. It did not satisfy him for long, but at least he met a real elf who inspired him. Then he decided to dabble in diplomacy. It did not feel right either.And he got depressed. There were too many drunks and neo-Nazis in this country, not to mention all the mice, lice, and ice. Writing books – bestsellers! – about those problems seemed to satisfy his soul. He thought he had found his niche, as a writer in a small town teeming with cafes and characters.Then, overnight, it all collapsed.The action in Justin Petrone ?s new book takes place mostly in two Estonian towns, folksy Viljandi and teacherly Tartu. It takes place from the year 2007 (the Bronze Soldier riots) until 2013 (when Petrone left Estonia amid a national scandal).

How it all happened How it all happened

Автор: Oleg Molokanov

Год издания: 

A story about some curious coincidences in a modern woman’s life, her personal thoughts about that and unexpected way out. The author has used a fragment of his own picture in the book cover.

Getting Things Done When You Are Not in Charge Getting Things Done When You Are Not in Charge

Автор: Geoffrey M Bellman

Год издания: 

You are not in charge and you want to make a difference: that is the dilemma. You may not know who is in charge in today's changing, temporary, and virtual organizations, but you know you are not! You are searching for ways to contribute through the work you do and gain some personal satisfaction in the process. This book can help you do just that. In this new edition of his classic book, Geoff Bellman shows readers how to make things happen in any organization regardless of their formal position. The new edition has been written for a wider audience, including people in both the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors, paid and volunteer workers, managers and individual contributors, contract and freelance workers. More than seventy percent of the material is brand new, including new examples, new chapters, new exercises, and much more.

Leadership and Self-Deception. Getting out of the Box Leadership and Self-Deception. Getting out of the Box

Автор: The Arbinger Institute

Год издания: 

This phenomenal bestseller – over 700,000 copies sold – changes readers’ lives and helps them transform their organizations. In this new edition, the text has been updated and revised throughout to make it even more readable and powerful and a new section has been added that details the many different ways that people are using the book.