Your hands-on guide to dealing with dementia within the UK healthcare system If a loved one has recently been diagnosed with dementia, Dementia For Dummies, UK Edition provides trusted, no-nonsense guidance on what this may mean for you and your family. You'll get an understanding of the symptoms of dementia, make sense of the stages of the illness and grasp the differences between the various types of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. Dementia is an increasingly common condition that can have a significant impact on family life. Each person diagnosed is unique, and your loved one's symptoms can range from loss of memory to mood changes to communication problems and beyond. This sensitive, authoritative guide walks you through the different scenarios you may encounter as a family member or carer and explains step-by-step how you can keep your loved one as safe and as comfortable as possible—no matter how severe their symptoms are. Gives you the straight facts on dementia Covers the symptoms, causes and risk factors of dementia Helps identify and address the fears as you face a diagnosis Provides carers and family members with the information needed to help manage the illness If you're looking for support as you adjust to caring for a loved one with dementia, Dementia For Dummies helps make it easier. Получить ссылку |
Human Being Theory. For Dummies
Автор: Jacob Feldman
Год издания:
Time goes fast, new questions arise about human life, society, history, education, family, happiness… Old philosophy, old psychology have no instruments (concepts, methods, ideas) to answer these questions. New concepts like Levels-of-Mind model and Big-Triplet model plus minor models like Worlds-of-Life and Layers-of-Being wait you here. Use it to answers tough questions about the Time and the Life.
Yellow Notes. Dementia
Автор: Maxim Mamedov
Год издания:
“Yellow Notes” is a collection of stories about mentally ill people.The main characters are trying to live a normal life, to heal, or to understand the nature of the ailment at least.
iPad Tipps und Tricks fur Dummies
Автор: Sebastian Schroer
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Kitzeln Sie das Beste aus Ihrem iPad heraus
Mit dem iPad kann man weitaus mehr, als im Internet surfen und E-Mails verschicken. Das schicke Tablet vereint Computer, Fotoalbum, Navigationsgerat, E-Book-Reader, Tageszeitung, Multimediazentrale und vieles mehr! Mit diesem Buch entdecken Sie, was Ihr iPad alles zu bieten hat, wie Sie es am einfachsten und schnellsten bedienen, es ganz nach Ihren Wunschen einrichten und vor unerlaubtem Zugriff schutzen. Au?erdem verrat Ihnen Sebastian Schroer, welche Apps Ihr Leben vereinfachen, bereichern oder einfach jede Menge Spa? machen!
Word Tipps und Tricks fur Dummies
Автор: Rainer W. Schwabe
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DIY Super For Dummies
Автор: Trish Power
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