A plain-English guide to the basics of trig Trigonometry deals with the relationship between the sides and angles of triangles… mostly right triangles. In practical use, trigonometry is a friend to astronomers who use triangulation to measure the distance between stars. Trig also has applications in fields as broad as financial analysis, music theory, biology, medical imaging, cryptology, game development, and seismology. From sines and cosines to logarithms, conic sections, and polynomials, this friendly guide takes the torture out of trigonometry, explaining basic concepts in plain English and offering lots of easy-to-grasp example problems. It also explains the «why» of trigonometry, using real-world examples that illustrate the value of trigonometry in a variety of careers. Tracks to a typical Trigonometry course at the high school or college level Packed with example trig problems From the author of Trigonometry Workbook For Dummies Trigonometry For Dummies is for any student who needs an introduction to, or better understanding of, high-school to college-level trigonometry. Получить ссылку |
Human Being Theory. For Dummies
Автор: Jacob Feldman
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Time goes fast, new questions arise about human life, society, history, education, family, happiness… Old philosophy, old psychology have no instruments (concepts, methods, ideas) to answer these questions. New concepts like Levels-of-Mind model and Big-Triplet model plus minor models like Worlds-of-Life and Layers-of-Being wait you here. Use it to answers tough questions about the Time and the Life.
iPad Tipps und Tricks fur Dummies
Автор: Sebastian Schroer
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Kitzeln Sie das Beste aus Ihrem iPad heraus
Mit dem iPad kann man weitaus mehr, als im Internet surfen und E-Mails verschicken. Das schicke Tablet vereint Computer, Fotoalbum, Navigationsgerat, E-Book-Reader, Tageszeitung, Multimediazentrale und vieles mehr! Mit diesem Buch entdecken Sie, was Ihr iPad alles zu bieten hat, wie Sie es am einfachsten und schnellsten bedienen, es ganz nach Ihren Wunschen einrichten und vor unerlaubtem Zugriff schutzen. Au?erdem verrat Ihnen Sebastian Schroer, welche Apps Ihr Leben vereinfachen, bereichern oder einfach jede Menge Spa? machen!
Word Tipps und Tricks fur Dummies
Автор: Rainer W. Schwabe
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DIY Super For Dummies
Автор: Trish Power
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Android App Entwicklung fur Dummies
Автор: Michael Burton
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