Скачать книгу - Nutrition For Dummies

Get the straight facts on nutrition, slim down, and feel great You've been hearing it since you were a kid: «You are what you eat.» And this wise saying is true! Good nutrition is the key to achieving and maintaining healthy weight and lifelong good health—no matter how you slice it. Nutrition For Dummies, 6th Edition is a one-size-fits-all guide to nutrition that shows you how to manage your diet so you get the most bang for your buck. This book gives you the know-how to put together a shopping list, prepare healthy foods, and easily cut calories. The latest edition of The Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourages individuals to eat a healthful diet—one that focuses on foods and beverages that help achieve and maintain a healthy weight, promote health, and prevent chronic disease. This updated edition of Nutrition For Dummies reflects the latest suggested guidelines and details in plain English so you can incorporate these recommendations for living a nutritionally sound life. You'll get updated RDAs on vitamins and nutritional supplements; find out why you should eat more fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and other plant-based foods; understand the importance of cholesterol for brain health; get the latest information on obesity; and more. Decipher the latest nutrition facts, labels, and guidelines Understand why sugar is the most controversial subject in diet today Grasp the truth about vitamin supplements and energy drinks Make informed decisions about your own nutrition choices An apple a day may not necessarily keep the doctor away, but with the simple guidance of Nutrition For Dummies, 6th Edition you can be on your way to living a happier, healthier, and longer life.

Human Being Theory. For Dummies Human Being Theory. For Dummies

Автор: Jacob Feldman

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Time goes fast, new questions arise about human life, society, history, education, family, happiness… Old philosophy, old psychology have no instruments (concepts, methods, ideas) to answer these questions. New concepts like Levels-of-Mind model and Big-Triplet model plus minor models like Worlds-of-Life and Layers-of-Being wait you here. Use it to answers tough questions about the Time and the Life.

iPad Tipps und Tricks fur Dummies iPad Tipps und Tricks fur Dummies

Автор: Sebastian Schroer

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Kitzeln Sie das Beste aus Ihrem iPad heraus Mit dem iPad kann man weitaus mehr, als im Internet surfen und E-Mails verschicken. Das schicke Tablet vereint Computer, Fotoalbum, Navigationsgerat, E-Book-Reader, Tageszeitung, Multimediazentrale und vieles mehr! Mit diesem Buch entdecken Sie, was Ihr iPad alles zu bieten hat, wie Sie es am einfachsten und schnellsten bedienen, es ganz nach Ihren Wunschen einrichten und vor unerlaubtem Zugriff schutzen. Au?erdem verrat Ihnen Sebastian Schroer, welche Apps Ihr Leben vereinfachen, bereichern oder einfach jede Menge Spa? machen!

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Автор: Rainer W. Schwabe

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Автор: Trish Power

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Автор: Michael Burton

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