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Get on the fast track to understanding neuroscience Investigating how your senses work, how you move, and how you think and feel, Neuroscience For Dummies, 2nd Edition is your straight-forward guide to the most complicated structure known in the universe: the brain. Covering the most recent scientific discoveries and complemented with helpful diagrams and engaging anecdotes that help bring the information to life, this updated edition offers a compelling and plain-English look at how the brain and nervous system function. Simply put, the human brain is an endlessly fascinating subject: it holds the secrets to your personality, use of language, memories, and the way your body operates. In just the past few years alone, exciting new technologies and an explosion of knowledge have transformed the field of neuroscience—and this friendly guide is here to serve as your roadmap to the latest findings and research. Packed with new content on genetics and epigenetics and increased coverage of hippocampus and depression, this new edition of Neuroscience For Dummies is an eye-opening and fascinating read for readers of all walks of life. Covers how gender affects brain function Illustrates why some people are more sensitive to pain than others Explains what constitutes intelligence and its different levels Offers guidance on improving your learning What is the biological basis of consciousness? How are mental illnesses related to changes in brain function? Find the answers to these and countless other questions in Neuroscience For Dummies, 2nd Edition

Human Being Theory. For Dummies Human Being Theory. For Dummies

Автор: Jacob Feldman

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Time goes fast, new questions arise about human life, society, history, education, family, happiness… Old philosophy, old psychology have no instruments (concepts, methods, ideas) to answer these questions. New concepts like Levels-of-Mind model and Big-Triplet model plus minor models like Worlds-of-Life and Layers-of-Being wait you here. Use it to answers tough questions about the Time and the Life.

iPad Tipps und Tricks fur Dummies iPad Tipps und Tricks fur Dummies

Автор: Sebastian Schroer

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Kitzeln Sie das Beste aus Ihrem iPad heraus Mit dem iPad kann man weitaus mehr, als im Internet surfen und E-Mails verschicken. Das schicke Tablet vereint Computer, Fotoalbum, Navigationsgerat, E-Book-Reader, Tageszeitung, Multimediazentrale und vieles mehr! Mit diesem Buch entdecken Sie, was Ihr iPad alles zu bieten hat, wie Sie es am einfachsten und schnellsten bedienen, es ganz nach Ihren Wunschen einrichten und vor unerlaubtem Zugriff schutzen. Au?erdem verrat Ihnen Sebastian Schroer, welche Apps Ihr Leben vereinfachen, bereichern oder einfach jede Menge Spa? machen!

Word Tipps und Tricks fur Dummies Word Tipps und Tricks fur Dummies

Автор: Rainer W. Schwabe

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Автор: Trish Power

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Android App Entwicklung fur Dummies Android App Entwicklung fur Dummies

Автор: Michael Burton

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