Скачать книгу - Phishing Dark Waters. The Offensive and Defensive Sides of Malicious Emails

An essential anti-phishing desk reference for anyone with an email address Phishing Dark Waters addresses the growing and continuing scourge of phishing emails, and provides actionable defensive techniques and tools to help you steer clear of malicious emails. Phishing is analyzed from the viewpoint of human decision-making and the impact of deliberate influence and manipulation on the recipient. With expert guidance, this book provides insight into the financial, corporate espionage, nation state, and identity theft goals of the attackers, and teaches you how to spot a spoofed e-mail or cloned website. Included are detailed examples of high profile breaches at Target, RSA, Coca Cola, and the AP, as well as an examination of sample scams including the Nigerian 419, financial themes, and post high-profile event attacks. Learn how to protect yourself and your organization using anti-phishing tools, and how to create your own phish to use as part of a security awareness program. Phishing is a social engineering technique through email that deceives users into taking an action that is not in their best interest, but usually with the goal of disclosing information or installing malware on the victim's computer. Phishing Dark Waters explains the phishing process and techniques, and the defenses available to keep scammers at bay. Learn what a phish is, and the deceptive ways they've been used Understand decision-making, and the sneaky ways phishers reel you in Recognize different types of phish, and know what to do when you catch one Use phishing as part of your security awareness program for heightened protection Attempts to deal with the growing number of phishing incidents include legislation, user training, public awareness, and technical security, but phishing still exploits the natural way humans respond to certain situations. Phishing Dark Waters is an indispensible guide to recognizing and blocking the phish, keeping you, your organization, and your finances safe.

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Автор: Aet Annist

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Arenguantropoloogiline uurimus. Kaesolev raamat on esimene eestikeelne antropoloogiline uurimus Eesti uhiskonnast. Pohjalik ulevaade Eesti kulaelust kujutab endast tausta, millelt moista teravnenud suhteid inimeste vahel sotsialismist vabanenud, ent oma positsiooni kaotanud maauhiskonnas, aga ka pettumust ja lootusi, mida aratab valisrahadega ulesehitatud kogukonna arenguprogramm. Autor kirjeldab, kuidas elu keskuskulade paneelmajades norgenevate sugulussuhete, kadunud tooalaste seoste ja vordsuskultuuri murenemise tingimustes toob kaasa poletava soovi uksteisest eemale hoida. Kuidas kogukonda luua puudev arenguprogramm ja selle uritused, mis inimesi pealtnaha kokku toovad, tegelikult suvendavad eraldumist. Aet Annisti uurimus pohineb osalusvaatlusel kahes Kagu-Eesti keskuskulas. Ta vaatleb uhelt poolt Suur­britannia rahalise toe abil korraldatud osalusarengu programmi puudlusi muuta kaks kula koostoimivaks kogu konnaks ja teiselt poolt inimeste igapaevast kooselu. Raamat paigutab inimlikud draamad koduuhiskonnas ka voimutehnoloogiates toimunud uleilmsete muutuste konteksti ning esitab ulevaate arenguteooria ajaloost.

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