Скачать книгу - Decision Quality. Value Creation from Better Business Decisions

Add value with every decision using a simple yet powerful framework Few things are as valuable in business, and in life, as the ability to make good decisions. Can you imagine how much more rewarding your life and your business would be if every decision you made were the best it could be? Decision Quality empowers you to make the best possible choice and get more of what you truly want from every decision. Dr. Carl Spetzler is a leader in the field of decision science and has worked with organizations across industries to improve their decision-making capabilities. He and his co-authors, all experienced consultants and educators in this field, show you how to frame a problem or opportunity, create a set of attractive alternatives, identify relevant uncertain information, clarify the values that are important in the decision, apply tools of analysis, and develop buy-in among stakeholders. Their straightforward approach is elegantly simple, yet practical and powerful. It can be applied to all types of decisions. Our business and our personal lives are marked by a stream of decisions. Some are small. Some are large. Some are life-altering or strategic. How well we make those decisions truly matters. This book gives you a framework and thinking tools that will help you to improve the odds of getting more of what you value from every choice. You will learn: The six requirements for decision quality, and how to apply them The difference between a good decision and a good outcome Why a decision can only be as good as the best of the available alternatives Methods for making both «significant» and strategic decisions The mental traps that undermine decision quality and how to avoid them How to deal with uncertainty—a factor in every important choice How to judge the quality of a decision at the time you're making it How organizations have benefited from building quality into their decisions. Many people are satisfied with 'good enough' when making important decisions. This book provides a method that will take you and your co-workers beyond 'good enough' to true Decision Quality.

Английский язык для делового общения / English for Businessmen (комплект из 2 книг) Английский язык для делового общения / English for Businessmen (комплект из 2 книг)

Автор: Дудкина Г.А., Павлова М.В., Рей З.Г., Хвальнова А.Т.

Год издания: 

Целью учебника "English for Businessmen" является оказание практической помощи изучающим английский язык для применения его в сфере бизнеса и менеджмента. Тексты учебника включают как деловую, так и общебытовую тематику, а система грамматических и лексических упражнений дает возможность усвоить содержащийся в них языковой материал. Многие годы учебник пользуется популярностью и неизменным спросом на всей территории Российской Федерации. Настоящее издание было существенно переработано с целью отражения новых реальностей и тенденций в плане ведения бизнеса и в окружающей нас действительности. Данное издание учебника "English for Businessmen" является обновленной редакцией предыдущего издания, завоевавшего популярность в России и других странах СНГ. Учебник предназначен для углубленного изучения английского языка на продвинутом уровне и обеспечивает активное владение английским языком в повседневном и деловом общении.

English for Business Communication. Английский язык для делового общения. Учебное пособие English for Business Communication. Английский язык для делового общения. Учебное пособие

Автор: Т. А. Яшина

Год издания: 

Деловое общение / Business Communication. Учебное пособие Деловое общение / Business Communication. Учебное пособие

Автор: Н. Л. Колесникова

Год издания: 

Diffusion value of the pledge. Collector activity Diffusion value of the pledge. Collector activity

Автор: Николай Камзин

Год издания: 

In order to develop production and expand markets for all interested in handling financial resources. Own funds are limited because actual borrowed funds of credit institutions. Loan is secured by collateral, for which execution is levied for improper fulfillment of financial obligations. When activated, deposit procedures arises business process by which the performance of collateral, encumbered with outstanding financial obligation, it becomes a catalyst for dispersion of its value among the involved credit institutions affiliated to it the same structures, and the borrower, the owner of the collateral, forced to pay for their services. Registry of collateral individual credit institution is the value of having a monetary value, or more precisely register the debt, the return of the collateral is provided, during the implementation procedures of the collateral is an extremely topical issue of cost. Affiliated bank structure use a "ready" for implementation of the collateral as a financial instrument whose value is dynamic in time.

Diffusion value of the collateral among the affiliated persons of the credit organization structures Diffusion value of the collateral among the affiliated persons of the credit organization structures

Автор: Николай Камзин

Год издания: 

The aim of the article is to perform an economic and legal analysis of the financial claims of the credit institution to the borrower through the implementation of the acquired using borrowed funds vehicle that is owned by the borrower and burdened the right of pledge in favor of the bank. And also to identify factors influencing the effect of the financial cost of spraying alienated collateral, including affiliated bank structures, be associated with this process.