Break free and lead the market with the roadmap to Disruption The Ways to New gives you a blueprint for innovation, helping you dig your organization out of the quicksand and get on the fast track to growth. Author Jean-Marie Dru is the originator the Disruption methodology, which he shares here; he is also an international authority on breaking the mold and leading the market, and this book is his guide to making it happen. Too many companies are too slow with innovation. They lag behind, creating at a snail's pace, and thus miss out on any kind of organic growth. They approach new ideas too conservatively, and focus innovation on products only—when there is a whole world out there waiting to be disrupted. This book shows you how to steer your organization toward continued innovation, creation, growth, and success, with 15 proven paths to disruption. Each is illustrated with case studies from companies like L'oreal, Procter & Gamble, and Salesforce.com, to show you the glaring differences between disruption and stagnation. We like to think that we live in a world where innovation happens at a staggering pace. The reality is that we don't, but that leaves an opening that your organization can fill if you're willing to break from the herd. This book shows you how start turning in a new direction, toward sustained, forward-thinking growth. Foster organic growth within your organization Become more proactive about innovation Understand the famous «Disruption» methodology Learn the specific, proven paths to disruption Everyone loves to cite Apple, Google, and Amazon as proof of high-speed innovation. But companies like this represent only 20% of companies worldwide—the other 80% are still floundering and failing to move forward. The Ways to New gives you a roadmap to innovation, and the tools to make it work. Получить ссылку |
Untrodden paths
Автор: Andrei Shkarubo
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The story takes place in a psychiatric hospital 50 km. east of Moscow in the summer of 1985, at the start of Gorbachev’s perestroika, and focuses on the philosophy and practice of the Russian political system.
Unleashing Creativity and Innovation. Nine Lessons from Nature for Enterprise Growth and Career Success
Автор: Madan Birla
Год издания:
Creativity and innovation are the keys to both organizational growth and successful careers. People understand this, but they do not know how to unleash their natural creative potential. Drawing upon his twenty-two years of first-hand experience helping FedEx grow into a global icon and the last ten years consulting around the world, Madan Birla provides proven and practical answers. Readers will learn How to build a reputation as a creative thinker and become management’s go-to person for innovative business solutions Four steps for unleashing their creative potential and generating creative ideas Four communication skills to gain acceptance of your ideas Two words that guarantee promotions How to minimize internal and external negative influences that obstruct creative energy flow How to stop self-censoring and how to confidently express their ideas How to trust that all the resources for germinating creative ideas are within them
The End of Copycat China. The Rise of Creativity, Innovation, and Individualism in Asia
Автор: Shaun Rein
Год издания:
China's changing course, and sustainable success requires a shift in strategy The End of Copycat China helps business executives and investors understand how China's economy is shifting from one based on heavy investment to one on services and consumption by providing insight that help shape effective strategy. Drawing from over 50,000 interviews with entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, private equity investors, private Chinese companies, and multinationals, this book describes how Chinese firms are increasingly focused on innovation rather than copying what worked in America and how consumers are evolving with their hopes, dreams and aspirations. China's growth model of the last three decades is becoming increasingly ineffective, as relying on heavy investment and exports is becoming less and less feasible. Fifty percent of China's growth in 2013 stemmed from consumption, the government is establishing a Free Trade zone in Shanghai and ending the dominance of state-owned enterprises. This book provides a roadmap for companies and investors looking to navigate these changes and capture emerging trends, with deep insight and practical guidance on what innovation looks like in the new China. Survey the development of innovation taking place in China's economy, from an insider's perspective Consider the changes that must take place to shore up the broken growth model Examine the consumer trends emerging in the midst of rapid market evolution Understand how China's rise will impact its neighbors like Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Cambodia China's dramatic shift toward consumption presents a tremendous opportunity for foreign business, but traditional tactics are outdated at best, financially fatal at worst, as local competitors focus on innovation and move up the value chain and as consumers look for new brands and categories to spend money on. New strategies are needed to keep pace with the changing regulatory and consumer environments, and «business as usual» won't get very far. The End of Copycat China is the business guide to this emerging market, with expert guidance from the inside.