Скачать книгу - Financial Statement Fraud. Prevention and Detection

Practical examples, sample reports, best practices and recommendations to help you deter, detect, and prevent financial statement fraud Financial statement fraud (FSF) continues to be a major challenge for organizations worldwide. Financial Statement Fraud: Prevention and Detection, Second Edition is a superior reference providing you with an up-to-date understanding of financial statement fraud, including its deterrence, prevention, and early detection. You will find A clear description of roles and responsibilities of all those involved in corporate governance and the financial reporting process to improve the quality, reliability and transparency of financial information. Sample reports, examples, and documents that promote a real-world understanding of incentives, opportunities, and rationalizations Emerging corporate governance reforms in the post-SOX era, including provisions of the SOX Act, global regulations and best practices, ethical considerations, and corporate governance principles Practical examples and real-world «how did this happen» discussions that provide valuable insight for corporate directors and executives, auditors, managers, supervisory personnel and other professionals saddled with anti-fraud responsibilities Expert advice from the author of Corporate Governance and Ethics and coauthor of the forthcoming Wiley textbook, White Collar Crime, Fraud Examination and Financial Forensics Financial Statement Fraud, Second Edition contains recommendations from the SEC Advisory Committee to reduce the complexity of the financial reporting process and improving the quality of financial reports.

Prevention №10 (октябрь 2009) Prevention №10 (октябрь 2009)

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: 

В номере: Я буду жить? Правильный разговор с врачом На губах ничего лишнего Осень без простуды. Эти средства работают. Суперсалат. Только в октябре Так делают тайцы. энергия массажа Талия - в центре внимания. Армейский подход Он поддержит. Выбери "верх" для занятий Вложи в себя. Сколько стоит стать красивой. и многое другое... Prevention №10 (октябрь 2009)

Prevention #12 (December 2009/USA) Prevention #12 (December 2009/USA)

Автор: Коллектив авторов

Год издания: 

The Statement of Randolph Carter The Statement of Randolph Carter

Автор: Говард Филлипс Лавкрафт

Год издания: 

"The Statement of Randolph Carter" is a short story by H. P. Lovecraft which tells of a traumatic event in the life of Randolph Carter, a student of the occult loosely representing Lovecraft himself.

Financial Statements Financial Statements

Автор: Ittelson Thomas

Год издания: 

Now the best-selling book of its kind has gotten even better.This revised and expanded second edition of Ittelson's master work will give you that firm grasp of "the numbers" necessary for business success. With more than 100,000 copies in print, Financial Statements is a perfect introduction to financial accounting for non-financial managers, stock-market investors, undergraduate business and MBA students, lawyers, lenders, entrepreneurs, and more. Most introductory finance and accounting books fail either because they are written "by accountants for accountants" or the authors "dumb down" the concepts until they are virtually useless. Financial Statements deftly shows that all this accounting and financial-reporting stuff is not rocket science and that you can understand it! Ittelson empowers non-financial managers by clearly and simply demonstrating how the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement work together to offer a "snapshot" of any company's financial health. Every term is defined in simple, understandable language. Every concept is explained with a basic, straightforward transaction example. And with the book's uniquely visual approach, you'll be able to see exactly how each transaction affects the three key financial statement of the enterprise. Two new major sections with nine new chapters were added to this revised second edition of Financial Statements, simply the clearest and most comprehensive introduction to financial reporting available. Теперь этот бестселлер стал еще лучше! Переработанное и дополненное второе издание книги даст вам твердое понимание финансовых показателей, необходимых для успеха в бизнесе. Выпущенная суммарным тиражом более чем 100 000 экземпляров, книга является прекрасным введением в финансовую отчетность для нефинансовых менеджеров, инвесторов в фондовые рынки, юристов, кредиторов и предпринимателей. Большинство книг подобного рода терпят крах именно потому, что они написаны «бухгалтерами для бухгалтеров» – в них рассматриваются концепции и понятия, которые являются практически бесполезными для нефинансистов. «Финансовая отчетность» показывает, что бухгалтерский учет и финансовая отчетность не относятся к области высшей математики и вполне доступны для понимания! Иттельсон четко и просто демонстрирует, как бухгалтерский баланс, отчет о прибыли и убытках и кэшфлоу дают «краткую характеристику» финансового состояния любой компании. Каждый термин определяется на понятном языке. Каждая концепция объясняется на примере простой сделки. Визуальное оформление книги позволяет увидеть, как именно каждая операция затрагивает три ключевые финансовые показателя предприятия. В книгу добавлены два новых раздела с девятью новыми главами.

Bayesian Risk Management. A Guide to Model Risk and Sequential Learning in Financial Markets Bayesian Risk Management. A Guide to Model Risk and Sequential Learning in Financial Markets

Автор: Matt Sekerke

Год издания: 

A risk measurement and management framework that takes model risk seriously Most financial risk models assume the future will look like the past, but effective risk management depends on identifying fundamental changes in the marketplace as they occur. Bayesian Risk Management details a more flexible approach to risk management, and provides tools to measure financial risk in a dynamic market environment. This book opens discussion about uncertainty in model parameters, model specifications, and model-driven forecasts in a way that standard statistical risk measurement does not. And unlike current machine learning-based methods, the framework presented here allows you to measure risk in a fully-Bayesian setting without losing the structure afforded by parametric risk and asset-pricing models. Recognize the assumptions embodied in classical statistics Quantify model risk along multiple dimensions without backtesting Model time series without assuming stationarity Estimate state-space time series models online with simulation methods Uncover uncertainty in workhorse risk and asset-pricing models Embed Bayesian thinking about risk within a complex organization Ignoring uncertainty in risk modeling creates an illusion of mastery and fosters erroneous decision-making. Firms who ignore the many dimensions of model risk measure too little risk, and end up taking on too much. Bayesian Risk Management provides a roadmap to better risk management through more circumspect measurement, with comprehensive treatment of model uncertainty.