Essential strategies to transform your organization and boost your profits Want to recapture your organization's original innovative spirit? Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire helps you remove the obstacles that have crippled the innovation superpowers that made your organization successful in the first place. Helps you identify the blockages hindering innovation within your organization Reveals the fundamental changes that will help your business rebuild its hidden or lost innovation capabilities Explores leading innovation theories you can apply right away-without expensive consultants Get the strategies you need to remove innovation barriers, increase profits-and change the way you do business. |
Langue et culture francaises. Культура французской речи. Учебное пособие
Автор: Жером Багана
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Базовые ценности американской культуры. The Basic Values in American Culture. Privacy
Автор: О. Н. Прохорова
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Научная речь на английском языке / English for Scientific Purposes. Новый словарь-справочник активного типа
Автор: Н. К. Рябцева
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English and World Culture. Lectures and Exercises. Пособие по искусствоведению для изучающих английский язык
Автор: А. В. Гетманская
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