A powerful new tool for all forensic accountants, or anyone who analyzes data that may have been altered Benford's Law gives the expected patterns of the digits in the numbers in tabulated data such as town and city populations or Madoff's fictitious portfolio returns. Those digits, in unaltered data, will not occur in equal proportions; there is a large bias towards the lower digits, so much so that nearly one-half of all numbers are expected to start with the digits 1 or 2. These patterns were originally discovered by physicist Frank Benford in the early 1930s, and have since been found to apply to all tabulated data. Mark J. Nigrini has been a pioneer in applying Benford's Law to auditing and forensic accounting, even before his groundbreaking 1999 Journal of Accountancy article introducing this useful tool to the accounting world. In Benford's Law, Nigrini shows the widespread applicability of Benford's Law and its practical uses to detect fraud, errors, and other anomalies. Explores primary, associated, and advanced tests, all described with data sets that include corporate payments data and election data Includes ten fraud detection studies, including vendor fraud, payroll fraud, due diligence when purchasing a business, and tax evasion Covers financial statement fraud, with data from Enron, AIG, and companies that were the target of hedge fund short sales Looks at how to detect Ponzi schemes, including data on Madoff, Waxenberg, and more Examines many other applications, from the Clinton tax returns and the charitable gifts of Lehman Brothers to tax evasion and number invention Benford's Law has 250 figures and uses 50 interesting authentic and fraudulent real-world data sets to explain both theory and practice, and concludes with an agenda and directions for future research. The companion website adds additional information and resources. Получить ссылку |
Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications
Автор: Mohammed J. Kabir
Год издания:
The personal home page (PHP) server-side scripting language is particular well adapted to connecting HTML-based web pages to a backend database for dynamic content. This book explains the entire nuts-and-bolts process of the PHP application life cycle: requirements, design, development, maintenance and tuning. It shows how PHP can be used to design and develop highly manageable and secure applications to solve practical problems.
Oracle Database 10g XML & SQL: Design, Build, & Manage XML Applications in Java, C, C++, & PL/SQL
Автор: Mark Scardina
Год издания:
Written by members of the Oracle XML group, this is a must-have reference for all IT managers, DBAs, and developers who want to learn the best practices for using XML with Oracle’s XML-enabled products. Includes real-world case studies based on theauthors’ experience managing Oracle’s XML Discussion Forum - a community of 20,000+ XML component users.
Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering
Автор: Giorgio Rizzoni
Год издания:
Rizzoni is designed for the sophomore/junior level, Introduction to Electrical Engineering course required for non-EE majors. The most widely used book for this course, Rizzoni introduces non-majors to the three basic areas of electrical engineering: circuits, electronics, and electromechanics. The second edition continues the tradition of focusing on the topics and issues of interest to the non-electrical engineering student. To maintain student interest in these topics, Rizzoni provides numerous links between electrical engineering and other engineering fields.
Английский язык в бухгалтерском учете и финансах компаний / English in accounting and company finance
Автор: Н. П. Татьянченко
Год издания:
Учебное пособие «Английский язык в бухгалтерском учете и финансах компаний» предназначено для студентов старших курсов и лиц, имеющих продвинутый уровень языковой подготовки, которые специализируются на изучении бухгалтерского учета и финансов компаний. В связи с переходом российских компаний на общепринятые правила бухгалтерского учета, пособие может быть интересным и актуальным для тех, кто связан с бухгалтерией и финансами в своей профессиональной деятельности. С этой целью в пособие включен текстовой материал, который должен служить содержательной основой чтения, говорения и письма. Аппарат упражнений позволяет закрепить специальную лексику в упражнениях, а подробный поурочный глоссарий ускоряет процесс нахождения эквивалентов в русском языке. Пособие включает аутентичные материалы, которые подобраны в рамках базовых тем: «Основные принципы бухгалтерского учета», «Анализ финансовой отчетности», «Финансовые коэффициенты».
Telepathy, Genuine and Fraudulent
Автор: Baggally William Wortley
Год издания:
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