In today's hyper-connected society, understanding the mechanisms of trust is crucial. Issues of trust are critical to solving problems as diverse as corporate responsibility, global warming, and the political system. In this insightful and entertaining book, Schneier weaves together ideas from across the social and biological sciences to explain how society induces trust. He shows the unique role of trust in facilitating and stabilizing human society. He discusses why and how trust has evolved, why it works the way it does, and the ways the information society is changing everything. Получить ссылку |
The implementation of the economic cycle: freedom, trust, duty
Автор: Николай Камзин
Год издания:
Existentialism proclaims the idea of a man present, performing a search for meaning, making choices, self-determining in its relation to reality, possessing an active subjective entity. In the process of economic activity a person is faced with the action of their own will influence other areas of the will of the active agents. He needs arise that require his satisfaction, he is involved in the economic cycle, some of which sectors are investigated in this study, namely: entrepreneurship, as a consequence of the implementation of a new combination of natural factors, business risk as a source of entrepreneurial profit and a catalyst for economic activity, business as routine economic activities aimed at developing the existing building, international business, as economic activity is possible at a potential that is created by public constraints, international payments, as the movement of financial resources for a business, writ proceedings, as inevitable, the procedure of execution of mutual obligations with the participation of the public entity, collateral relations, as security relationships that create a safety buffer for the counterparty.
Россия: экономика и общество. Тексты и упражнения / Russia: Economics and Society. Texts and Exercises
Автор: Алла Родимкина
Год издания:
Для англоговорящих учащихся, владеющих русским языком в объеме I–II сертификационного уровня (В1–В2). 16 текстов из современной российской периодики, интересных с точки зрения языка и страноведения. Тексты адаптированы и снабжены русско-английским словарем, упражнениями и заданиями для развития навыков устной и письменной речи. Ключи. Материалы могут использоваться для лексической, грамматической работы, на занятиях по переводу, в учебных дискуссиях и играх.
The history of the Royal society of London for the improving of natural knowledge
Автор: Thomas Sprat
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «The history of the Royal society of London for the improving of natural knowledge / By Tho. Sprat».
The effects of property upon society and government investigated
Автор: Charles Patton
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «The effects of property upon society and government investigated : containing illustration of the influence of property on mental energy, national character, manners, government, and civilazation : to which is added an historical review of the monarchy and republic of Rome, upon the principles derived from the effects of property / by Charles Patton ; historical review by Robert Patton».
The third report of the Committee of the society for the improvement of prison discipline and for the reformation of juvenile offenders
Автор: Группа авторов
Год издания:
Полный вариант заголовка: «The third report of the Committee of the society for the improvement of prison discipline and for the reformation of juvenile offenders : 1821 : with an appendix».
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