A resource of fun games for parents or teachers to help young children learn social and motor skills Barbara Sher, an expert occupational therapist and teacher, has written a handy resource filled with games to play with young children who have Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or other sensory processing disorders (SPD). The games are designed to help children feel comfortable in social situations and teach other basic lessons including beginning and end, spatial relationships, hand-eye coordination, and more. Games can also be used in regular classrooms to encourage inclusion. A collection of fun, simple games that can improve the lives of children with ASD or other SPDs. Games can be played by parents or teachers and with individual children or groups. Games are designed to make children more comfortable in social situations and to develop motor and language skills Also included are a variety of interactive games to play in water, whether in a backyard kiddie pool, community swimming pool, or lake All the games are easy-to-do, utilizing common, inexpensive materials, and include several variations and modifications Получить ссылку |
Web Application
Development with PHP 4.0
Автор: Tobias Ratschiller, Till Gerken
Год издания:
While the success of Open Source software like Linux or Apache has been documented
extensively throughout all mainstream media, the rise of PHP has gone largely
unnoticed. Still, the Web scripting language PHP is the most popular module for the
Apache Web server, according to an E-Soft survey (www.e-softinc.com/survey/).
Netcraft studies have found that PHP is in use on over 6% of all Web domains in the
world (see www.netcraft.com/survey).That’s an incredible market penetration for a
rather specialized product.This popularity continues to rise exponentially. Increasingly,
this is being reflected in traditional media: As of May, 2000, more than 20 books about
PHP have been published in different languages, with more in the pipeline.
Commercial players are beginning to join the bandwagon: PHP is included with
Web servers, for example C2’s Stronghold, and Linux distributions. A new company,
Zend Technologies, has been formed to provide commercial add-ons and support for
PHP.A long list of large-scale Web sites employ PHP, as well as hundreds of thousands
of small to medium Web sites.
Secure PHP Development: Building 50 Practical Applications
Автор: Mohammed J. Kabir
Год издания:
The personal home page (PHP) server-side scripting language is particular well adapted to connecting HTML-based web pages to a backend database for dynamic content. This book explains the entire nuts-and-bolts process of the PHP application life cycle: requirements, design, development, maintenance and tuning. It shows how PHP can be used to design and develop highly manageable and secure applications to solve practical problems.
Professional JavaScript™ for Web Developers
Автор: Zakas Nicholas C.
Год издания:
От издателя
Прекрасная книга по современному javascript.
В этой книге объясняется как программировать на javascript с использованием ООП, обработка ошибок, использование Ajax, XML, использование WebService etc.
После прочтения у вас не должно возникнуть проблем с пониманием исходного кода библиотеки javascript prototype ;)
Professional javascript for Web Developers
javascript is an important feature of every major browser because it enables enhanced user interaction on both Web sites and Web applications. While exploring everything from its history to today's advanced features, this book shows you how to use this powerful language to its full potential in order to develop your own applications that solve the business problems facing Web developers today.
You'll gain a clear understanding of the components that make up a javascript implementation, plus you'll examine critical areas including events, regular expressions, and browser detection techniques so that you can build dynamic user interfaces. You'll also learn how to extend the language to meet your specific requirements as well as create seamless client-server communication without intermediaries such as Java or hidden frames.
What you will learn from this book
ECMAScript basics, object-oriented programming techniques, and important Document Object Model (DOM) concepts
How to implement regular expressions for data validation and string manipulation
Methods for handling events to tie javascript to a Web user interface
Techniques for validating data, sorting tables, and dealing with errors
How to communicate between javascript and browser plugins
All about security issues, optimization, and intellectual property protections
Who this book is for
This book is for Web developers who want to use javascript to dramatically improve the usability of their Web sites and Web applications.
Wrox Professional guides are planned and written by working programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers, developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they address the issues technology professionals face every day. They provide examples, practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job.
Baltmotors ATV500 / CF-Moto ABM CF500 / GOES 520 MAX, книга по ремонту в электронном виде
Автор: Монолит
Год издания:
Руководство по эксплуатации
- Предисловие
- Идентификационные номера
- Обеспечение безопасности эксплуатации
- Конструкция квадроцикла
- Управление
- Обслуживание
- Мойка и консервация
- Устранение неисправностей
- Спецификации
- Электросхема
- Технические характеристики двигателя
- Контроль технического состояния двигателя
- Головка цилиндра
- Распределительный вал
- Блок цилиндра
- Ручной стартер
- Проблемы и способы их устранения
Система охлаждения
- Схема системы охлаждения
- Таблица основных параметров
- Охлаждающее средство для двигателя
- Замена антифриза, прокачка системы
- Тестирование крышки радиатора
- Очистка радиатора и шлангов охлаждающей жидкости
- Двигатель вентилятора
- Датчик температуры охлаждающей жидкости
- Термостат
- Насос охлаждающей жидкости
- Диагностика и способы устранение неисправностей
Система смазки
- Схема системы смазки
- Основные технические характеристики
- Контроль системы смазки
- Замена моторного масла
- Контроль давления масла
- Разборка масляного насоса
Система питания. Карбюратор
- Параметры карбюратора
- Разборка карбюратора
- Диагностика
- Измерение и регулировка
- Сборка карбюратора
- Проблемы и способы их устранения
- Технические характеристики трансмиссии
- Разборка трансмиссии
- Проверка технического состояния трансмиссии
- Сборка трансмиссии
Ходовая часть
- Информация по ремонту
- Передняя подвеска
- Задняя подвеска
- Типичные неисправности и их устранение
Тормозная система
- Главный цилиндр переднего тормоза
- Тормозной шланг, тройник
- Крестовина тормозных трубок
- Тормозной диск
- Передний суппорт
- Задний тормоз
- Задний тормозной диск
- Стояночный тормоз
Рулевое управление
- Передняя крышка приборной доски
- Задняя крышка панели приборов
- Правый рулевой переключатель
- Левый рулевой переключатель
- Зеркало заднего вида
- Установка тросика дросселя
- Рулевая колонка
- Рама квадроцикла
- Сиденье, поддержка сиденья
- Багажники и декоративные панели
- Топливный бак
- Крылья и подножки
- Защита двигателя
- Бампер, защита бампера
Электрооборудование квадроцикла
- Таблица параметров электрооборудования
- Схема проводки
- Источники тока, система зарядки
- Выпрямитель/регулятор
- Проверка магнето переменного тока
- Замок зажигания
- Рулевые переключатели
- Звуковой сигнал
- Осветительные приборы
- Приборная панель
- Датчики
- Система зажигания
Технические данные по ремонту и обслуживанию
- Таблица перевода единиц измерения
- Предостережения
- Номер VIN и номер двигателя
- Таблицы основных технических данных
Техническое обслуживание
- Осмотр и обслуживание
- Рулевая колонка
- Тормозная система
- Колеса
- Подвеска
- Регулировка тяги переключения передач
- Топливная система
- Система охлаждения
- Осветительные приборы
- Инструмент для обслуживания
- Специнструмент
- Смазочные материалы и герметики
Baltmotors ATV500 / CF-Moto ABM CF500 / GOES 520 MAX, book repair in eBook
Автор: Монолит
Год издания:
Instruction manual
- Foreword
- Identification numbers
- Ensuring operational safety
- ATV construction
- Management
- Service
- Washing and conservation
- Troubleshooting
- Specifications
- Electroscheme
- Engine specifications
- Engine condition monitoring
- Cylinder head
- Camshaft
- Cylinder block
- Manual starter
- Problems and solutions
Cooling system
- Cooling system scheme
- Table of basic parameters
- Engine coolant
- Replacement of antifreeze, pumping system
- Testing the radiator cover
- Cleaning the radiator and coolant hoses
- Fan motor
- Coolant temperature sensor
- Thermostat
- Coolant pump
- Diagnosis and troubleshooting
Lubrication system
- Diagram of lubrication system
- Main technical characteristics
- Monitoring the lubrication system
- Replacement of engine oil
- Oil pressure monitoring
- Disassembling the oil pump
Supply system. Carburettor
- Carburetor settings
- Disassembly of the carburetor
- Diagnostics
- Measurement and adjustment
- Carburettor assembly
- Problems and solutions
- Transmission specifications
- Disassembly of the transmission
- Checking the technical condition of the transmission
- Transmission assembly
- Repair information
- Front suspension
- Rear suspension
- Typical malfunctions and their elimination
Brake system
- Front brake master cylinder
- Brake hose, tee
- Cross brake tubes
- Brake disc
- Front caliper
- Rear brake
- Rear brake disc
- Parking brake
- Front cover of the dashboard
- Instrument rear cover
- Right-hand steering switch
- Left-hand steering switch
- Rearview mirror
- Installing the throttle cable
- Steering column
- ATV frame
- Seat, seat support
- Roof racks and decorative panels
- Fuel tank
- Wings and footboards
- Engine protection
- Bumper, bumper protection
ATV electrical equipment
- Electrical parameters table
- Posting scheme
- Sources of current, charging system
- Rectifier / regulator
- Checking AC magneto
- Ignition switch
- Steering switches
- Beep
- Lighting
- Dashboard
- Sensors
- Ignition system
Technical data on repairs and maintenance
- Unit conversion table
- Caveats
- VIN number and engine number
- Tables of basic technical data
- Inspection and maintenance
- Steering column
- Brake system
- Wheels
- Suspension
- Adjusting the shift rod
- Fuel system
- Cooling system
- Lighting
- Service tool
- Special tool
- Lubricants and Sealants
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